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They did it again


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Well they did it again. They changed my race. I swear I don't even want my sh*t verified. I didn't even have any props...just checkpoints and they still couldn't get it right. There are reasons for every checkpoint placement due to hours of testing...do they not get this?





The easiest difference to see is on the top right they messed up the parallel run and there are missing checkpoints on the up and down hill roads. I have 28 checkpoints and they have 22. I have not even found all 6 points yet I am so pissed.


What email do I use to tell them to take my name off that verified crap?

Edited by LuapYllier
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I bet there are two or three designers at rockstar who's whole job is to verify content - they won't stop changing things because if the did they might as well say 'you're paying us for nothing'

Edited by watchclock
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You could try the mouthoff one? Or poking Rockstar Support on twitter for a faster response.

Edited by Insert-Coin-To-Continue
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Wait, hold up.


So when a job gets verified, a R* employee goes through it and alters it?


Why not just get them to make new jobs from scratch themselves if all they are going to do is alter it.

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Wait, hold up.


So when a job gets verified, a R* employee goes through it and alters it?


Why not just get them to make new jobs from scratch themselves if all they are going to do is alter it.

What they appear to do is take your track that you spent hours testing, collecting feedback, tweaking, retesting and perfecting...pass it to an intern who looks at it and uses the inhouse (probably on a PC) dev creator tool set that allows them to makemaps for both consoles...and give him about 15 minutes to replicate the track. They then can call it their own and owe you nothing because it is different.


It isnt like the changes they made are so critical that they make it unraceable. I mean itgot over 5k likes in the first 6 hours so it must still work...but if your going to put someones name on it then it should be as close as possible to what they made. Mine has a precise flow to it.


Not to mention that out of all my tracks that would have been one of the last ones I would have picked for verifying. It is a technical track built for racers and is going to go over like a lead balloon with the masses. They would have been much better recieved had they chosen The Last Super or Muscle Memory. Don't expect it to be on the list long.


Whatever, I am going to try to get my name taken off it.

I am also going to make a cookie cutter response for all the hate mail I expect to recieve

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Hell I can only imagine what this track is like for the people who see that it is default coupes and instantly switch it to supers and all go flying over the intersection on the first corner. SMH the number of plays will far outway the number of votes cause I bet a third who run it will quit.

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when did that get verified luap, not seen a new update on verified races from R* since Dr Atomics last week..


ps, despite the changes. congrats dude, least we know they are looking at real racetracks now, not jsut jumps on the road...

Edited by mo-seph
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It was in the list of verifieds as of last night. I got an email over a week ago...but no newswire on it yet.


Their version... http://rsg.ms/PwHG0I

Edited by LuapYllier
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It was in the list of verifieds as of last night. I got an email over a week ago...but no newswire on it yet.


Their version... http://rsg.ms/PwHG0I



yea i tend to keep an eye on newswire for newly verified content, hopefully there will be an official annoucement on it soon..


so am i right in thinking Red Rum are the only crew in the world with multiple verified creators?? booooya lol

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It was in the list of verifieds as of last night. I got an email over a week ago...but no newswire on it yet.


Their version... http://rsg.ms/PwHG0I


yea i tend to keep an eye on newswire for newly verified content, hopefully there will be an official annoucement on it soon..


so am i right in thinking Red Rum are the only crew in the world with multiple verified creators?? booooya lol

I would think it not likely...but possible I suppose. I do think it confirms someone in their office has eyes on this forum...and specifically the "Approved" threads.
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It was in the list of verifieds as of last night. I got an email over a week ago...but no newswire on it yet.


Their version... http://rsg.ms/PwHG0I


yea i tend to keep an eye on newswire for newly verified content, hopefully there will be an official annoucement on it soon..


so am i right in thinking Red Rum are the only crew in the world with multiple verified creators?? booooya lol

I would think it not likely...but possible I suppose. I do think it confirms someone in their office has eyes on this forum...and specifically the "Approved" threads.




hmm approved threads....,. that was a bloody genius idea eh? whoever came up with that deserves a lifetime supply of cashcards to distribute at their will... (oh hi :r*: ) hahahah :p


well theres 1000's of crews,,,, not that many verified races... rom what ive seen ive never noticed two verified creators with the same crew tag...


but ive always known R* keep an eye on these threads,,,, thats kinda what i do for a living lol... i work for a big corp... we monitor all social media forum, blogs, news articles, press releases, tweets about our brand.... if you mention our brand online we know about it... i would not expect R* to ignore the biggest independent GTA forum in the world...


noting they changes slipstream to optional, added a bunch of, including a red, ties to the new DLC... more dresses for ladies.... i can probably count 30 things mentioned on this forum that have been implemented... mostly small, but some not so small..

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I am going to really enjoy going in tonight and beating all those Akuma and Bati times with a coupe.

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just had a quick look back through all the verified news articles on newwire and checked every profile,


from the profiles that are visible there aren't two creations that have been verified from members of the same crew... Apex stalkers do have 1 verified track... but RRR seems to be the only crew with 2 verified races... although both Xbox.... go figure.

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I just sent them this email in response to the one I got saying I was verified...


The race "Coupe De'tat" that I spent hours creating, testing, getting feedback on, adjusting and tweaking until it was as perfect as it could be...IS IN NO WAY REPRESENTED by the knock-off that you paid someone good money to recreate. If you are not going to present my race as I created it I would rather you did not represent it at all. With all due respect please either use my race as I designed it, or remove it from the verified list. At a bare minimum if you do not intend to correct it than remove the reference to my name from it...that is not my creation.


Thank you...LuapYllier.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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It isnt that it is that bad...it just isn't at the level of quality that mine is. Why spend time making it perfect if "good enough" is all that will be presented?


I haven't even raced it yet so I don't know how badly it effect the flow and available shortcuts.

Edited by LuapYllier
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It isnt that it is that bad...it just isn't at the level of quality that mine is.


Well, they should not be changing anything anyways.. That kind of defeats the purpose of creating something and gathering votes..


Makes me wonder tho...What did R* change on Jump and Die and Jump. Jumps. Jumps?

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It isnt that it is that bad...it just isn't at the level of quality that mine is.

Well, they should not be changing anything anyways.. That kind of defeats the purpose of creating something and gathering votes..


Makes me wonder tho...What did R* change on Jump and Die and Jump. Jumps. Jumps?

It does put new light on these things. I know for a fact they did it to mine and DrAtomics. Also if you notice, very few of the verifieds reference the person who made it...I don't think I am the first to ask for the reference to be removed.

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I'm always very vocal about this stuff but I honest can't say anything other than why?

What is the point really.

Edited by GTARACER93
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Lol...the top group of verified races were aparently published 14 years ago...damn maybe it IS time for some DLC...


@GTA...on my part or theirs?

Edited by LuapYllier
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On their part man. You can't do that to people who may have spent hours and hours moving checkpoints into perfect placement Congrats on the Verify though.

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On their part man. You can't do that to people who may have spent hours and hours moving checkpoints into perfect placement Congrats on the Verify though.



this is the bit that gets me, f you throw a race together and R* like the concept but NEED to make changes because of one or two minor issues then i understand that (for eg some of my races dont have any gta elements, so if they added them id understand...) but then theres a big group of people who do spend alot of time creating, testing and running their tracks to make them perfect.... why bother making changes to them unless its just lazy development on their part...


on the other hand if they feel that there's unnecessary checkpoints in a race they are going to verify, they should speak to the creator firs tto find out the justification for the creators placement, the justification of R* reasons that its unnecessary/needing a change and then working with the creator to recreate a suitable verified track...


i know with DR atomics track had some checkpoints removed, i can understand that R* might have seen them as unnecessary as they were on the sliproad where theres literally only one way to go,,, but they should have checked first as to why the creator out them there before blindly removing them.... sometimes additional (i.e "unnecessary") checkpoints are placed to prevent people taking shortcuts and to guide the flow and direction of the race...


least thats my thoughts

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Are they just adjusting check points to suit their tastes? Or are they messing with props too?

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They remake the whole track. Dr said his props were a lttle different, they moved and removed some checpoints and they even moved his start grid.


Mine had no props but they took out 6 checkpoints. Two were probably not a big deal as they were there mostly to maintain good distance for respawn if killed in a GTA but the other four were critical to directing traffic in crossovers and around medians and curbs.

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We should all vote Dis-like now. ...lol



Nothing personal guys. But i voted "dis like" because i like it as is :D

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I love the idea of the Creator and have probably too many races created. IF someone pulled on me what they did to you, I would be more than pissed too. It's our creativity in play here. Like you, I have spent a lot of hours placing, testing, editing, and so on, to get my race to a point where I feel it's ready. I would like to know what exactly the "team" does that takes created races and makes them allegedly Rockstar friendly. There are a lot of Verified races out there, that I shudder to play because of checkpoint placement, ramp placement and prop placement, because after one pass on that track, I can see whomever it was at Rockstar Verification clearly either doesn't have enough time or care for that matter to respect someone's creation, in turn making maybe what could have been a decent race, into a crap track that gets a DIS-A-LIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKE when I am done.




DIS-A-LIKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKE Must be used in the vocal stylings of Two Wild and Crazy Guys from SNL.


Edited by MookStunna
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They add more races but say nothing about it?

What is going on with this game

I joined a race yesterday it had verified on it but it;s not on the lists.

Edited by GTARACER93
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just had a quick look back through all the verified news articles on newwire and checked every profile,


from the profiles that are visible there aren't two creations that have been verified from members of the same crew... Apex stalkers do have 1 verified track... but RRR seems to be the only crew with 2 verified races... although both Xbox.... go figure.

We're next buddy. PS3 RRR is next. My vote is for Galileo's Inner Ring. (-_0)

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