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Random Events Not Happening


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So I'm trying to make this video for YouTube, and in it, I need some random events to happen to get footage of. The problem is I played and drove around the city for several hours, and even repeatedly going by locations where they are scripted to happen, and none of them ever happen. I have completed many before, does this mean they won't happen again? I'm talking about the ATM muggings and the cop chases and shootouts.



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Been having the same issue. It appears to be a bug. It started after patch 1.10. I can't get any random events to show up nor can I get any calls from the businesses I own asking for help.

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I'm still getting calls from businesses, but there has been zero random events for me for at least 2 months, including the Security Vans.

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Detective Phelps

Well, I get security vans, but nothing else. :/

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Peregrin  Brandytook

Well, I get security vans, but nothing else. :/


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I am away from my console now, but can someone try deleting the patches to go back to version 1 and seeing if they happen then? It sounds like a glitch. I really need these random events for my video.

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I tried deleting the title update to revert the game back to try it, which made my console freeze up during loading, so I had to put the patch back. No luck.

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Cutter De Blanc

I have the same problem. No random events, no business calls, no f*ck given from Rockstar. I think they've just started marking my help tickets as spam. :(

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It is starting to seem like Rockstar made it so that once you complete a random event, it does not happen again. I notice that the random event where you have to save the Lacy girl from the paparazzi is one that I have not completed, and every time I drive by it spawns. Even if I drive by it, then come back in a few minutes it will spawn again. Maybe once you complete one it won't spawn again?

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Cutter De Blanc

This is somewhat true. Some, like the Bank Trucks, are supposed to respawn. Mine don't though. Even the ones I haven't completed don't appear. I remember the Pink Peyote one cuz I never did it, but now it doesn't appear anymore so I can't do it.

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It is starting to seem like Rockstar made it so that once you complete a random event, it does not happen again. I notice that the random event where you have to save the Lacy girl from the paparazzi is one that I have not completed, and every time I drive by it spawns. Even if I drive by it, then come back in a few minutes it will spawn again. Maybe once you complete one it won't spawn again?


Um... I thought this was obvious. Once you complete a random event, it will not respawn again, unless you failed it.

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It is starting to seem like Rockstar made it so that once you complete a random event, it does not happen again. I notice that the random event where you have to save the Lacy girl from the paparazzi is one that I have not completed, and every time I drive by it spawns. Even if I drive by it, then come back in a few minutes it will spawn again. Maybe once you complete one it won't spawn again?


Um... I thought this was obvious. Once you complete a random event, it will not respawn again, unless you failed it.

Even ATM muggings are not happening though. I sit by them waiting for one to happen, even driven up and down streets with ATMs, and they never happen. I need the footage of me stopping the thief for my video.

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It is starting to seem like Rockstar made it so that once you complete a random event, it does not happen again. I notice that the random event where you have to save the Lacy girl from the paparazzi is one that I have not completed, and every time I drive by it spawns. Even if I drive by it, then come back in a few minutes it will spawn again. Maybe once you complete one it won't spawn again?


Um... I thought this was obvious. Once you complete a random event, it will not respawn again, unless you failed it.


Also, the random event with the guy at the construction site and the pipes keeps spawning every time I drive by even though I have completed it. Maybe it didn't save after? It seems like random events you complete don't respawn. I have found some that I have not completed and they spawn which corroborates this. However, the ATM muggings are not happening at all, which I think are completely random and it does not matter if you have completed them.

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It is starting to seem like Rockstar made it so that once you complete a random event, it does not happen again. I notice that the random event where you have to save the Lacy girl from the paparazzi is one that I have not completed, and every time I drive by it spawns. Even if I drive by it, then come back in a few minutes it will spawn again. Maybe once you complete one it won't spawn again?


Um... I thought this was obvious. Once you complete a random event, it will not respawn again, unless you failed it.


Also, the random event with the guy at the construction site and the pipes keeps spawning every time I drive by even though I have completed it. Maybe it didn't save after? It seems like random events you complete don't respawn. I have found some that I have not completed and they spawn which corroborates this. However, the ATM muggings are not happening at all, which I think are completely random and it does not matter if you have completed them.



It is a fact that if you complete a random event, it will not respawn (not sure about securicars, though). If you completed a random event, you do not have to worry about it anymore becaue it won't appear ever again.


If you have autosave turned on, you will see that the game will save (the little spinning wheel will be visible on the bottom right of the screen). If you failed it, it won't be saved, and you will be able to retry it after some time. There's a total of 57 random events, you only need to 14 (any of them) to be counted to 100%.


By the way, the contruction event counts as complete only if you save the guy (by getting in the scoop and taking the pipes off the driver's door so he can run away). If the guy dies, the event does not count as complete and it will keep respawing until you do it right.

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