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If A Portable Game Was Set In The GTA V World. What Would You Like To


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If A Portable Game Was Set In The GTA V World. What Would You Like To See


It's could happen as Rockstar have been releasing quite a lot of stuff on the IPhone.

Here are some questions


(i) Where would it be set

(ii) On what consoles

(iii) Birds-eye view or third-person

(iv) A brief description of the storyline

(v) Features from other GTA games you would like to see

(vi) Would you like it to include DLC. What type of DLC.

(vii) Any new gameplay features

(viii) Any other details


Feel free to suggest some questions. but here is my answers


(i) Los Santos. No Blaine County.

(ii) IPhone (4s and up), Nintendo 3DS, PS Vita

(iii) Birds-Eye View

(iv) The player is a member of The Professionals, and the story is about the becoming the top drug-distributor in Los Santos. Some of the street gangs are hard to keep in line, and in some parts of the story, they will attempt to destroy The Professionals. The Professionals have two main enemies also. The Triads and Russian Mafiya. The Angels of Death return causing turf war between them and The Lost. Also Da Nang Boyz return, this time being based off gangs like TRG or ABZ.

(v) Drug dealing returns from Chinatown Wars. Also turf wars return from San Andreas.

(vi) Yes and story-based dlc.

(vii) When you put something on your gps on the road it tells you weather you need to turn left or right. I've taken this from Sleeping Dogs. Also you manage drug deals and assasinations by using your mobile.

(viii) No

Edited by Tempahrelapse
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Something along the lines of chinatown wars but set in V`s Los Santos with an expanded drug dealing mini-game on android/ios/vita....


Edited by ViceCityStalker
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Something along the lines of chinatown wars but set in V`s Los Santos with an expanded drug dealing mini-game on android/ios/vita....


Lol it kind of weird the way alot of gamers who have played Chinatown Wars crave for the Drug-Dealing Mini-game.I now see why that brough alot of controversies to Rockstar Lol :)


OP:hmm i am not sure whether we will see another GTA spin-off on Portable consoles for a while.

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I would not release a game for the 3DS and PSVita as they are already dead platforms.

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I would not release a game for the 3DS and PSVita as they are already dead platforms.


Iphone or tablet would be cool, though.

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I would not release a game for the 3DS and PSVita as they are already dead platforms.

How so? The 3DS sales have always been strong and steady. The PSVita on the other hand has little going for it until Sony starts streaming games with Gaikai.

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Something along the lines of chinatown wars but set in V`s Los Santos with an expanded drug dealing mini-game on android/ios/vita....


Forgot to add android and windows phone. There's also a chance 3DS won't get it. Because 3ds main audience is under 18. This makes it hard on sales. For the iPhone though once sales start going down Rockstar should make it free app of the week.

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R* did great with CW, so I'd like to see them do something like the 'true' Los Santos, no Blaine County. Or they could make two separate games with one being in Los Santos and another being in Blaine County.

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