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What's with the carp?


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These meeshuns are carp.

I retarded Wet Wòk three times because each time, they sniped all 4 of us while blind firing with pistols.


Then we do landing gear and they shoeit my friend down instantly in his plane .



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Sounds like you suck at this game.

Naw bb, we gud!


Eben my frends gotted shot sew I no it's knot just me.

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Jolly Swagman

f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:


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f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:






Eeeeewwwww wwttff rr tthhoossee??

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Jolly Swagman


f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:





Eeeeewwwww wwttff rr tthhoossee??



They're carp. They are a pest species of fish here. Apparently people in Europe of Asia eat them but f*ck that we just leave them on the ground to rot.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:





Eeeeewwwww wwttff rr tthhoossee??



They're carp. They are a pest species of fish here. Apparently people in Europe of Asia eat them but f*ck that we just leave them on the ground to rot.


Yup the Asian Carp are getting into our lakes and killing off other species of fishes it's pretty bad in the Great Lakes area

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Sounds like you suck at this game.

Naw bb, we gud!


Eben my frends gotted shot sew I no it's knot just me.


I remember my first beer.

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f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:


They look like the devil's children. I'm horrified.

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Jolly Swagman



f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:


They look like the devil's children. I'm horrified.And if they scare you, an Aquatic Wonder, what hope do we mere mortals have?






f*cking carp. I hate the bastards:




Eeeeewwwww wwttff rr tthhoossee??


They're carp. They are a pest species of fish here. Apparently people in Europe of Asia eat them but f*ck that we just leave them on the ground to rot.


Yup the Asian Carp are getting into our lakes and killing off other species of fishes it's pretty bad in the Great Lakes areaWorse than eating other things they wreck the quality of the water by stirring up all the mud making it hard for other species. 8/10 fish you catch round were I am are carp. We call the European carp for some reason as well even though they are the Asian carp. Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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Same here in our state if you catch a carp you won't get in trouble for "wanton waste" like you would if you caught other fish and didn't catch and release or take with you it's encouraged to not to release them back into the water alive.

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Jolly Swagman

Same here in our state if you catch a carp you won't get in trouble for "wanton waste" like you would if you caught other fish and didn't catch and release or take with you it's encouraged to not to release them back into the water alive.

It's actually illegal here to put them back or transport them. Some places where they are common have containers full off lime that you are meant to cover the carcasses with to kill the eggs. The eggs are meant to be able to last years out of water and still remain viable.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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I can see why you'd hate having that many carp. Those f*ckers evolve into Gyarados.

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Same here in our state if you catch a carp you won't get in trouble for "wanton waste" like you would if you caught other fish and didn't catch and release or take with you it's encouraged to not to release them back into the water alive.

It's actually illegal here to put them back or transport them. Some places where they are common have containers full off lime that you are meant to cover the carcasses with to kill the eggs. The eggs are meant to be able to last years out of water and still remain viable.

I remember a few years ago, I was staying at my buddy's house and we went to his neighbors house, who lived right on the shore of a huge lake in out town... But yeah, my buddy and I grabbed some hand nets and went down to the shore, the carp were mating or something, because they were splashing everywhere and they were extemely close to the shore... So we jumped in it was only about knee deep/waist deep and we just started catching them and throwing them on the sand... He caught about 25 lmao they would swim right into out legs, my homie even stepped on one lmao


Damn good times, sorry about the off-topic rant lol

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Post a topic about carp


/doesn't know what carp is


OP needs to go back to school

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