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Dirtbikes in action Appreciation

The Angel King

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My Kawasaki Lime Green Sanchez attended a party at the <whatever the parody of playboy is in GTA universe> mansion. That count?




I've been meaning to arrange some actual in action photos though.

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My Kawasaki Lime Green Sanchez attended a party at the <whatever the parody of playboy is in GTA universe> mansion. That count?




I've been meaning to arrange some actual in action photos though.

Those wheels are so nice...
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You can't beat robbing all the shops up north on one of these, great way to get RP and money as a noob and best of all they are cheep as chips to replace.


A member here(he knows :santa: ) gave me a modded one and it has been in my garage ever since.



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The Angel King

I swear if i see another appreciation thread....

I know it's a little out of hand. However, I was trying to do something a little more fun than just regular pictures. Besides, no one is forcing you to click on these threads ;)


Edit: Does anyone have a paintable bike with street tires AND spokes? Would like to have a supermoto KTM :)

Edited by The Angel King
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  • 6 months later...

Here's my Sanchez. It's so quick in off-road races.



Great in races, I've won many. I haven't used it much stunting off-road in Freeroam but it's definitely my go to vehicle for off-road races
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