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Is it time to celebrate (prison thugz gone?)


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Not being thrown into it anymore in random jobs nor does it show on the list anymore for me. Anyone else confirm?

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If this is true...


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I hope so it gets so annoying

Edited by Mrstealyohooker
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IDK, I was put into a random Prison Douche Fight earlier this evening.

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To add to the celebrations... After a mission nurburgring was on the selection board! Meaning not only is it still "about", But R* are actively putting it under our noses again! :D


I'm Ps3 btw incase anyone wanted to know.

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I had to exit out of it earlier today around 8pm EST.

A lot could happen in an hour but it's so popular that I can't see Rockstat removing it.

But if it's true as of 9pm then this game just got a lot better for me.

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I had 12 great matches today, not once was I sent there, I knew something was off. I looked at my map a few hours ago, and did a triple take. Hopefully it's not some server bug, and that it is gone permanently.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Biohazard Abyss

It isn't in the R* verified list anymore.

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I had 12 great matches today, not once was I sent there, I knew something was off. I looked at my map a few hours ago, and did a triple take. Hopefully it's not some server bug, and that it is gone permanently.

its not gone i seen it no more then an hour ago,lay off the toilet cleaner

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LOL Prison Thug Fight reminded me of that scene in South Park where the turkeys take over.





I had 12 great matches today, not once was I sent there, I knew something was off. I looked at my map a few hours ago, and did a triple take. Hopefully it's not some server bug, and that it is gone permanently.

its not gone i seen it no more then an hour ago,lay off the toilet cleaner


LOL Toilet cleaner

Edited by The_Mossberg500
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It's not on my list anymore either and i could care less if it was there or not i never played it and never had any plans too.



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Now the next step R* needs to take is to remove Seal Team Six and Saving Ryan's Privates.

Edited by Ermac.
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Biohazard Abyss

Now the next step R* needs to take is to remove Seal Team Six and Saving Ryan's Privates.


And Battle GTA

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This is good I only played it twice and won both times because i was able to get out and get a jet and kill everybody XD

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This is good I only played it twice and won both times because i was able to get out and get a jet and kill everybody XD



Granted i've never played it but aren't you inside the Prison itself & By time it would take you to get the jet the match would be over also wouldn't it show you as out of bounds if you strayed too far out of the area?

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Was playing earlier and I noticed that Jumps, jumps, jumps is also gone (woo!); and I also saw that Nurburgring is back again, along with a couple of new races that I've never seen before.

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wouldn't it show you as out of bounds if you strayed too far out of the area?


Not in Deathmatches or Team Deathmatches.

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Just took a picture a few minutes ago, this has been like this for me since 5pm EDT.



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Was playing earlier and I noticed that Jumps, jumps, jumps is also gone (woo!); and I also saw that Nurburgring is back again, along with a couple of new races that I've never seen before.

Are you sure Nurnburgring is back?

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This is good I only played it twice and won both times because i was able to get out and get a jet and kill everybody XD



Granted i've never played it but aren't you inside the Prison itself & By time it would take you to get the jet the match would be over also wouldn't it show you as out of bounds if you strayed too far out of the area?

Yes it would and if the host set a lot of kills or time or both it's easy and there is steps leading up to the roofs go up and jump off on the outside get one of the police cars and drive away

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Is it really gone, or just server errors again? Because if it is gone, then f*ckING FINALLY R*. I hated the invite spam id get about that mission.

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The only decent verified DM/TDM is Classy Construction. I enjoyed that one. If Prison Thugz is gone, well, f*ck yes.

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Paradise Alley, Woodbury, Horseback Hell, and Terry's Hangout are pretty good. Battle GTA, and Saving Ryan's Privates are disasters. Paintball isn't bad, not something I'd frequent. Hill Valley Cemetery, and Transformer Station I haven't played yet.

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GTAO was supposed to be all about bank heists and crew feuds, but instead its all Prison Thug Fightz and Tanks, I dont even have a tank I must be one of the worst players out there

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