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I feel the Zancudo UFO is simply for surveillance.

Terrazi Terrajin

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Terrazi Terrajin

I've been away from the easter egg hunting scene for a while, i'm sure someone has probably beaten me to this but I'm in the mood to post about it anyway. So I went on a snapmatic adventure and decided to snag some more pics of the UFOs during, upon getting a pretty close shot of the ZancUFOdo and seeing the light system beneath, it got me thinking...


It looks more like a set of cameras that constantly twitch and rotate as though they're looking for or watching something.
Which then got me thinking AGAIN. Mostly about the transition that occurs when you change characters (or shift around on GTA online by the various methods). Where the camera pans out into a birdseye view, to then pinpoint another location which it will then zoom down on. Could the ZancUFOdo possibly be an easter egg tied into a game mechanic?

The thought blew my mind for a moment when it popped into my head and is the most solid explanation for its existence in the game I have yet to conjure up in my head. My theory for the desert UFO I won't cram in here, but long story short I think that one is put in place merely to monitor Michael throughout story mode, where as this one above Zancudo is possibly monitoring much more than one person.

Edited by Terrazi Terrajin
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nice photo!



maybe Los Santos is something like that reality show some aliens made: the earth (South Park anyone?)

the UFO "spawns" each NPC and player's character and constantly records the sh*t that's going on when they interact with each other.

Edited by Bozzah
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Terrazi Terrajin

nice photo!



maybe Los Santos is something like that reality show some aliens made: the earth (South Park anyone?)

the UFO "spawns" each NPC and player's character and constantly records the sh*t that's going on when they interact with each other.

Minus the aliens part, Michael does come out with the line "It's as though I'm not even in control of my own body" during the course of the game. Possibly being a 4th wall joke, but interesting nonetheless.

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