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Snap-matic eligibility?

Mr. Muramasa

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Mr. Muramasa

I have never been able to use Snap-matic, and I always got the same message that most everyone else seems to get.


But I tried using Snapmatic today and this is the error message that came up (no pic):


snapmatic features are currently disabled on this account due to eligibility restrictions


Eligibility Restrictions? what the heck is up with it?


Also could someone tell me the way to let me use snap matic? I think it was brought up before but I forgot what it was...

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Uhmmm i have no idea what could've been.. check your configuration 'n sh*t. But from the beggining Snapmatic should been activated. :r*:

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If you are under 18 and your XBL or PS account says so, and your

socialclub.rockstargames.com account says you're under 18, no snapmatic for you. Besides, if you're under 18 you can't participate in any giveaways as you cannot legally enter into any contract under age. Just wait until you're allowed to buy the game on your own without a parent with you and snapmatic will work.

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Mr. Muramasa

I will openly admit I'm not over 18 (but I should be with how cynical I am) (also I'm 16), but I would think that doesn't come as much of a surprise. I would also think it to be common sense to never actually enter into account information that you are below 18. Heck I'm sure you could be in kindergarten and say it out loud and still get away with being over 18.


I did check my accounts, and while I confirmed that my Social Club account has me confirmed as being over 18, I'm not sure where to look for my entered birthdate for XBL. Still looking, but I don't think I input my actual age there either.

Edited by Mr. Muramasa
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