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Official Trade Race Wins Thread


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Are you a Host or Requestee? doesn't matter

Gametag: the_strange_r_

Console: PS3

How many races you need? About 50

What kind of race? Super Car Normal Race

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records or quicker

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? PM

Do you have any rules? Nope, but I must say I don't have a mic

What timezone are you in? est

What time do you usually play? all times

When do you want to race? anytime

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? all mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Yes, if I have time

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Are you a Host or Requestee? either

Gametag: dreamcatcher696

Console: xbox

How many races you need? 30

What kind of race?land race with super

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? criminal records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? pm/xbox message

Do you have any rules? 1 win for me, 1 win for you

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? CET/GMT+2

What time do you usually play?depends

When do you want to race? now, or tomorrow

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? unlocking mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?


Edited by dreamcatcher696
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Not sure if the 1.12 patch corrected unlocking parts for all classes using Super. Just did a few with Super and parts aren't unlocked for another class car. Anyway...

Are you a Host or Requestee?






How many races you need?

43 (Possibly with each class?)

What kind of race?

Land Race

Do you have a specific track you like to use?

Criminal Records

How should people contact you?

Xbox Live Message/if no answer within a few mins i'm offline, email me ([email protected]) i get those on my phone and will see it

Do you have any rules?

Split playlist wins (i.e. I do 16, you do 16, rinse and repeat!)

What timezone are you in?

AZ/MST for the next week

What time do you usually play?


When do you want to race?

Tomorrow (Fri) or Sat between 12PM-6PM MST, also Tuesday through Thursday this week anytime 12PM-2AM MST

What do you need help with?

Unlocking mods

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?

As long as we trade off hosting wins at some point

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[XBOX] Looking to put together a group of 4 to boost Rally races to complete "Every Race" and "All Rounder" awards, as well as "Numero Uno" and "Backseat Driver" achievements. We can run one-lap Criminal Records until everyone has everything unlocked, probably no more than 30 minutes to an hour. Headset is probably helpful for this.


Anyone in? Send me a DM here and I'll coordinate. Looking to do this later tonight or this weekend.


GT: djwackfriz



Edited by djwackfriz
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Are you a Host or Requestee? Requestee

Gametag: arctic_visions

Console: ps3

How many races you need? 50.. ugh

What kind of race? Land

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records

How should people contact you? Message on PSN

Do you have any rules? No

What timezone are you in? EST

What time do you usually play? All day lmao

When do you want to race? Whenever

What do you need help with? Mods/paint

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? yeah

No more please

Edited by arcticvisions
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im the host


GT:msg me to get it


race: criminal records





amount needed:whatever amount you need to get all the upgrades i think its 51


time on:msg me when your on and ill try to get on if i cant try another time


if anyone else needs help getting upgrades ill help them


class: super class

Edited by coll9502
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Are you a Host or Requestee? Both

Gametag: hotrats773

Console: PS3

How many races you need? Between 10-15

What kind of race? Need at least one rally win and 10-15 in various classes.

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records or anything short and sweet.

If yes what is the name of it? See above

Provide link if it's a created race: n/a

How should people contact you? Via Friend request - Subject line: "Trade races"

Do you have any rules? None

What timezone are you in? Central - Chicago area

What time do you usually play? M-F, any time after 7:00pm. Saturday and Sunday - all day

When do you want to race? Today would be great (after 6:00pm) or any time after that.

What do you need help with? Unlocking mods and paint only.

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure!

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Are you a Host or Requestee? requestee


Console: ps3

How many races you need? like 20

What kind of race? standard land race

Do you have a specific track you like to use? no

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? pm or psn

Do you have any rules? no

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? pacific

What time do you usually play? 9:30 am to 2-3 pm

When do you want to race? any time

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? unlocking car mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies




No more help needed, thanks for everyone's help, Adam.

Edited by adamthetrain1000
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Are you a Host or Requestee? either

Gametag: fr33 gucc1 man3

Console: xbox

How many races you need? 30

What kind of race?land race with super

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? criminal records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? pm/xbox message

Do you have any rules? 1 win for me, 1 win for you

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? EST

What time do you usually play? Anytime

When do you want to race? now, or tomorrow

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? unlocking mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?


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thanks to everyone who helped me :)

Edited by adamthetrain1000
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I need 3 race wins message me GT: iKriminalz

When you say gamer tag I'm assuming that you're on Xbox. Please clarify and or read the first post of this thread to learn how to properly submit a request.

Are you a Host or Requestee? Can be either



How many races you need? I believe 40

What kind of race? Land race Super and 1 rally

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Prefer criminal records but anything quick

How should people contact you? Just message me on PSN

Do you have any rules? Don't be an ass

What timezone are you in? EDT -5GMT

What time do you usually play? Evenings

When do you want to race? ASAP

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? LSC mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? I don't mind spreading the love

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Are you a Host or Requestee?either



How many races you need?1

What kind of race?rally

Do you have a specific track you like to use?no

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you?pm me or reply

Do you have any rules?no

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in?pacific

What time do you usually play? 7:00

When do you want to race?in a few

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with?unlocking metal paint

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?yes

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Host

Gametag: xXJienParanoiaXx

Console: ps3

How many races you need? 30

What kind of race? super

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? criminal records

Provide link if it's a created race: N/A

How should people contact you? add me on psn or mobile free chat like viber or kik just send info in psn messenger

Do you have any rules? turn every single turn. i dont have a mic thats why i need mobile chat if none its ok.

What timezone are you in? +8gmt but i dont freakin sleep:)

What time do you usually play? everytime

When do you want to race? ASAP

What do you need help with? unlocking mods

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? yeah specially to those people who wants to farm money doing rooftop rumble.

Edited by xJien191
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Gametag: SteelCityK1ller

Console: Xbox360

How many races you need? 1

What kind of race? Rally

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Xbox 360

Do you have any rules? Nope

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? Eastern

What time do you usually play? Anytime after 2pm and until 10pm

When do you want to race? ASAP

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? Unlocking metal paint

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Yes

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Edit: unlocked the parts. thanks Li-bin-bin-queen and JienParanoia

Edited by NoahPointCenter
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Gametag: SteelCityK1ller

Console: Xbox360

How many races you need? 1

What kind of race? Rally

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Xbox 360

Do you have any rules? Nope

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? Eastern

What time do you usually play? Anytime after 2pm and until 10pm

When do you want to race? ASAP

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with? Unlocking metal paint

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Yes


ill be on around 7 gt Brezzybri 7 i need a rally race also

Edited by bryce1792
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Are you a Host or Requestee? Both



How many races you need?20

What kind of race?any

Do you have a specific track you like to use?no

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you?Pm or psn

Do you have any rules?no

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in?eastern

What time do you usually play?evening

When do you want to race?now if possible

(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)

What do you need help with?unlocking

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?yes

Edited by ManifestusG
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xbox gamertag Railroad74g

need a lot of races lol

supers on criminal records

just add me on xbox

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I'm looking to trade wins on PS3 (as many as possible).


Prefer Criminal Records or anything else short with supers.


I can't use my mic tonight but could in the future.


PM me for GT (US EST)

I'll be on the next few hours if anyone is interested.

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looking for wins on xbox 360 will in turn help you if you need it looking for 50 please have a mic message me at my gt ThaPsychoKlown with race

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Blade Kratos

Are you a Host or Requestee? Either
Gametag: Blade Kratos
Console: xbox 360
How many races you need? 55 races needed
What kind of race? Any
Do you have a specific track you like to use? Open to any
If yes what is the name of it? Criminal records
How should people contact you? Xbox message
Do you have any rules? Win for win
What time do you usually play? I will be on in 1.5hour from now until we're finished
What do you need help with? Unlocking mods, paints etc
Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure

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On Xbox 360 now. Hmu if you guys wanna trade races within the next few hours.

Gt: fr33 gucc1 man3

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