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Official Trade Race Wins Thread


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Welcome to the Trade Race Wins thread.


Please read this thread in full before posting to avoid having your post deleted for disregarding the rules.

Welcome to the Official Trade Race Wins Thread if you are looking for someone to trade wins or just someone to race with in general this is the place to post and to find others for whatever you need to get the platinum trophy or rally car races this is the place to find them

This is for PC and both consoles PS3/PS4 & XBOX360/XB1 for now if the request become too great then we will separate the two console into two separate threads but this one will do for now.


You aren't required to post your Gamertag with the form just simply put PM Me to direct people to send you a PM to get your Gamertag.


(You MUST have 10 forum post before you can send or recieve PM's)


The Rules


1. Don't be a butthead, Have patients and be kind to others who's offered to help you.


2. Make sure you use the form posted below, If you don't use the form you risk having you're post deleted, I will attempt to PM you prior to removing your post to give you a chance to edit it.


3. Once you are done with the races you need please come back and edit your post and remove your post and edit it with "Finished" or simple Strikethrough the whole post


4. Do not make more than one post per page, Once a new page has been made than you may make a new post and please do not make mulitple post asking if anybody is doing it or to announce that you are still in need of races.


5. Even if you only need one race such as Rally, Air or Sea races please still use the form


6. The Moderators/Ledby/Myself reserve the right to remove any post in this thread without prior warning or explanation


7. If you are under the Banned Member list you are not allowed to post in here and any post by you will be deleted and you will be warned by a Moderator not to post again.

Please Fill Out This Form & Copy/Paste It Into Your Post

Are you a Host or Requestee?
How many races you need?
What kind of race?
Do you have a specific track you like to use?
If yes what is the name of it?
Provide link if it's a created race:
How should people contact you?
Do you have any rules?
(i.e Must have mic)
What timezone are you in?
What time do you usually play?
When do you want to race?
(i.e now, in a few hours, tomorrow)
What do you need help with?
(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)
Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?


If you don't use the form posted above i will remove your post and you will need to make another post with the correct form.

(as a host you could start a 20x playlist and go AFK and allow the other player to get the wins he needs and you don't have to do anything since the playlist and races will start by themselves after a specific timer and when the person is done they can simply leave the lobby and you'll still get money and RP do a 20x playlist will take about an hour to an hour and half because each race will take 2-3 minutes if you include the lobby timer and the timer given before the DNF is announced if you go AFK)

Make sure that if you are the Host of the race that you set the cars to Super as using Super Cars allows you to unlock Mods for every car category including Motorcycle so you don't have to change category to unlock mods for cars in difference category the Super Car category will unlock all mods

If you don't know how many races you need to do there is a way to find out take your most expensive car to LSC and browse the parts that you still need to unlock and it'll give you a number of how many more you need before you can unlock it.


You are posting your Gamertag on a Public Forum which means members and guest alike will be able to see your Gamertag which gives them the right to send you a Friend Request or Private Message through your gaming console.


If you do not wish you have your Gamertag displayed publicly that is fine you are not required to just please put PM Me in place of your Gamertag.

Edited by AiraCobra
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GT: XxpauljosephxX


Any amount of races is good

Any track

Hmu on xbox (Im on now)

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Gametag: WeeHuggy

Console: Xbox 360

How many races you need? 15 - 20

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Any Short One

If yes what is the name of it? N/A

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Add My GT or Pm me on here.

Do you have any rules? Win for Win thats all.

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Gametag: bergs149


How many races you need? 9 or something

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Whatever is nice and quick.

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Just add me on PSN.

Do you have any rules? Win for win.

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Gametag: WeeHuggy

Console: Xbox 360

How many races you need? 15 - 20

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Any Short One

If yes what is the name of it? N/A

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Add My GT or Pm me on here.

Do you have any rules? Win for Win thats all.

I,m into this GT FailingGeorgew

console xbox360

races a lot

and the rest all the same I,m on mainly in the evening

msg me or add me as friend we,ll do this

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Gametag: WeeHuggy

Console: Xbox 360

How many races you need? 15 - 20

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Any Short One

If yes what is the name of it? N/A

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Add My GT or Pm me on here.

Do you have any rules? Win for Win thats all.

I,m into this GT FailingGeorgew

console xbox360

races a lot

and the rest all the same I,m on mainly in the evening

msg me or add me as friend we,ll do this



Gamertag: theatheistape

Console: Xbox 360

How many races you need? 15ish

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Nope

How should people contact you? Here or on Xbox

Do you have any rules? Win for win

Edited by neo2478
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Console: XBOX

How many races you need? Almost 50!

Do you have a specific track you like to use? I like the playlist below, but any short track will do

If yes what is the name of it?


Provide link if it's a created race: http://rsg.ms/PwtaGg or individual race http://rsg.ms/PwtaGg

How should people contact you? Xbox live

Do you have any rules? Just let me know if we are win for win or one playlist each.

And thank you!


Hey, just sent you a friend request on xbox

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gametag: MrSaerX

console: XBOX

how many races: 15-30

specific track: none

rules: win for win or whatever

contact: here or xbox live

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gamertag: RavingWithJesus

console: xbox

how many races: 15-50 lol however many you want

specific track: doesn't matter but criminal records 1 lap is the fastest

rules: take turns winning or whatever

contact: here or add me on live

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Console: Xbox

How many races you need? 15


Do you have a specific track you like to use? The playlist he made sounds good

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:


How should people contact you? Add/message me on xbox


Do you have any rules? Nope

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With permission from WBaker he is allowing me to make a thread to combine all the Trading Wins request here in one centralized location to clean up clutter on the board with the numerous request for trading racing wins.


This is for Both Consoles PS3 & XBOX360 for now if the request become too great then we will separate the two console into two separate threads but this one will do for now.


Copy & Paste this form below and provide your answer to it.




How many races you need?

Do you have a specific track you like to use?

If yes what is the name of it?

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you?

Do you have any rules?


Recommended Tracks

Unnamed Track - 0:25

Criminal Records 0:25



This is a playlist i made for a track i like to use a lot, It doesn't have a name it was a created race but it's a stright track and only takes 0:25 to beat and having a playlist will cut down on having to go back to the voting screen and start all over again.

10x Playlist For 0:25 Race


If you have a track you want me to add to the list weather it be a R* or your created track send me a PM with the name, link (if it's a created track) and the amount of time it takes to complete one lap.


If you don't know how many races you need to do there is a way to find out take your most expensive car to LSC and browse the parts that you still need to unlock and it'll give you a number of how many more you need before you can unlock it.

great idea to get all this in one place. one suggestion though. you might think about adding Timezone to the form.

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Gametag: gcsjr

Console: ps3

How many races you need? 20 or something

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? drag race

Provide link if it's a created race: http://pt.socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/wawBDApCrE2fnQqvke484w?platformId=2

How should people contact you? add psn

Do you have any rules? no

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Gametag: firelife1736


How many races you need?41

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you?PM or PSN message

Do you have any rules? no

What timezone are you in? Eastern/pacific

What time do you usually play? all

Edited by firelife1736
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Gametag: SebasFPS


How many races you need? I'm preety much finished with the races. I just need one rally victory for the brushed metals (Preferably in Criminal Records so it'd be easier for people like me who hasn't got mic to guide the driver :p)

Do you have a specific track you like to use? yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? PSN or a PM here could work I guess

Do you have any rules?

What timezone are you in? I'm no expert in timezones...But I'd say Atlantic time

What time do you usually play? afternoon and on

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Gametag: j1n1produkshunz

Console: xbox

How many races you need? 18

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Xbox live

Do you have any rules? Nope

What timezone are you in? Est

What time do you usually play? Midnight or later on weekends

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Gametag: PM me here


Console: Xbox360


How many races you need? 18 Wins for GTA. 20 Wins Rally (Driver) 14 Wins Rally (Co-Driver) 25 Wins Impromptu


How should people contact you? PM me here


What timezone are you in? USA - Central Time


What time do you usually play? Evenings after 6pm


Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? I'll Host races if need be. Just looking to get the Platinum Awards for the Races. I'll help with Unlocks in return.

Edited by Rammer2k
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Gametag: Reider73


How many races you need? 20

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal Records

Provide link if it's a created race:

How should people contact you? Here or in Game

Do you have any rules? Win for win

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Requeste
Gametag: BoilingBigtom
Console: XBOX360
How many races you need? 10+ for sports or super

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records, Or whatever.

How should people contact you? In game

Do you have any rules? No

What timezone are you in? EST

What time do you usually play? Afternoon/late evening

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure

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Looking for someone to race with

Host or request:Host

track: Criminal Records

Races I need :45

Any rules?: Win for win



Contact: PSN Message

time I usually play: I will be availible all day today

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Host

Gametag: NoRegrets99

Console: Xbox 360

How many races you need? ALOT i wud say like 50

What kind of race? Normal Race

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records

How should people contact you? Message me on xbox

Do you have any rules? Nope, Just trade wins.

What timezone are you in? GMT (UK)

What time do you usually play? Anytime i can. Mostly mid afternoon

What do you need help with? Unlocking Chrome

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Ye sure

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Requestee


Gametag: PoisoNinja140_48




How many races you need? ~50


What kind of race? Point to Point


Do you have a specific track you like to use?

If yes what is the name of it? Lost and Found.


Provide link if it's a created race: N/A


How should people contact you? On here, or PSN.


Do you have any rules? N/A


What timezone are you in? Pacific (California)


What time do you usually play? 7:00AM-12PM (Saturday-Wednesday) (Thursday and Friday, most of the early morning, and night) -I work graveyard, it gets complicated lol


What do you need help with? Unlocking Mods


Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Requestee

Gametag: Sarge64641

How many races you need? 1

What kind of race? Rally

Do you have a specific track you like to use?
If yes what is the name of it? N/A
Provide link if it's a created race: N/A

How should people contact you? PSN.

Do you have any rules? N/A

What timezone are you in? Central (US, Canada)

What time do you usually play? Almost whenever I am free

What do you need help with? Rally Race trophy

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure

Edited by sarge64641
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Blade Kratos

Are you a Host or Requestee? Either

Gametag: Blade Kratos

Console: xbox 360

How many races you need? 55 races needed

What kind of race? Any

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Open to any

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal records

How should people contact you? Xbox message

Do you have any rules? Win for win

What time do you usually play? I will be on in 1.5hour from now until we're finished

What do you need help with? Unlocking mods, paints etc

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Sure


I can't use my mic tonight.

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Are you a Host or Requestee? Requestee

Gametag: Asian_boy94

Console: PS3

How many races you need? 50 or so

What kind of race? standard land race

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Yes

If yes what is the name of it? Criminal records

Provide link if it's a created race: nope

How should people contact you? PSN

Do you have any rules? uhh let me win

(i.e Must have mic)

What timezone are you in? Perth Australia

What time do you usually play? 8am to 2pm

What do you need help with? unlocking car mods

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? Yes


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craig5320 UK


Are you a Host or Requestee? Requestee

Gametag: craig5320 UK

Console: XBOX 360

How many races you need? 16

What kind of race? Super

Do you have a specific track you like to use? Criminal Records

How should people contact you? Add me on XBL or PM here.

What timezone are you in? GMT

What time do you usually play? 10pm til late GMT, that's 6pm EST.

What do you need help with? Looking to unlock mods for my cars, Turbo etc.

(i.e unlocking mods, paint or trophies)

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help? I don't mind trading 1 for 1 moving forward, or could look to host playlist for someone after i've achieved my goals.

Thanks to Killabryte for helping me complete a massive chunk of the races last night.

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Im more of a requestee



How many races you need?

Like 40 or something for all the mods

What kind of race?

Land race with super

Do you have a specific track you like to use?

If yes what is the name of it?

I dont really have one.

How should people contact you?

PM my GT

Do you have any rules?

Go 1 me,1 you

What timezone are you in?

GMT +3

What time do you usually play?

Monday to friday:4:30 PM to 11:30 PM

What do you need help with?

Mods and paint

Are you willing to be a Host to others who need help?

Yeah maybe

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