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So many building sites, is this a hint for DLC?


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The amount of building sites in GTA V is amazing.
There must be at least 10 across the map, but that's a very wild guess.

I have never been to L.A. so I wouldn't know if there's a lot of building projects there or if this is in GTA V for a different reason.


I would love to see DLC that takes place in Los Santos one or two years later, with all the building projects now complete, that would give the city a new and awesome look.


Anyway, let me know what you think about this

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It's a good idea bro. It would be cool if Rockstar implemented this in the future.

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i agree that would be pretty cool.. also, new buildings for us to complain about not being able to enter =)

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I don't know. Maybe it could just be symbolic of L.A's ever expanding city.

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Well in this patch at least one of the sites got upgraded. It has windows covering parts of the building now.

Perhaps by the time they're finished we'll get Heists.

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I would love to see something more useful (interiors) than staring those buildings projects

Edited by Osho
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Well in this patch at least one of the sites got upgraded. It has windows covering parts of the building now.

Perhaps by the time they're finished we'll get Heists.


I've heard people claim stuff like this before, I don't suppose you have any pictures?

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Well in this patch at least one of the sites got upgraded. It has windows covering parts of the building now.

Perhaps by the time they're finished we'll get Heists.

I've heard people claim stuff like this before, I don't suppose you have any pictures?


No, I know it's new though since I fly around Los Santos a lot and those windows were not there before that update.

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Well in this patch at least one of the sites got upgraded. It has windows covering parts of the building now.

Perhaps by the time they're finished we'll get Heists.

I've heard people claim stuff like this before, I don't suppose you have any pictures?


No, I know it's new though since I fly around Los Santos a lot and those windows were not there before that update.

the only problem is online takes place before the story, and they are still being built in story mode

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Sorry bud I doubt they will ever finish any of those buildings and people saying things have been added is simply just the placebo effect.You will however get car upon car upon car that you have no place to store and gun upon gun that all feels the same.Then expect more crappy clothes priced to holy high hell that look like they`ve been designed in MS paint by a colour blind 3 year old and also don`t forget to look forward to an ever expanding amount of sh*t hairstyles that look like ass.

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No, no. There definitely ARE new buildings. I was in one. There's a house under construction in the Vespucci Canals. From the second floor, I was able to hose down and zip a fellow player who got too close with a sustained burst of submachine gun fire.

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Then I stand corrected are sure its a new house?Whats the location i wanna go check it out.

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I didn't notice any progress in any of the buildings.
I'm going to check it out in a few minutes

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No, no. There definitely ARE new buildings. I was in one. There's a house under construction in the Vespucci Canals. From the second floor, I was able to hose down and zip a fellow player who got too close with a sustained burst of submachine gun fire.


This was discussed recently in this topic: http://gtaforums.com/topic/685202-new-apartment-structure-added-in-vespucci-canals-with-dlc/?hl=vespucci



And the subject of 'developing' building sites was also discussed in this topic: http://gtaforums.com/topic/691800-mile-high-club/?hl=%2Bmile+%2Bhigh

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Nope, there are always building sites in GTA - all the way back to III. They'll never be finished, they're just a representation of real life - right now, from my office window (which overlooks central London) I can see several cranes and unfinished buildings. Don't read too much into stuff like this.

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There is also the fact that game engine technology doesn't allow a building to progressively change.


A building can 'flip' from one thing to the other (an example being the O'Neil Farmhouse which, after The Crystal Maze went from a large house to a derelict wreck. Another example is the FIB building after the bomb attack which, for a time, has indications of damage before changing back to normal).



Buildings can change from one thing to another but they cannot change little by little over time.

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A DLC with these underconstruction sites complete, and in these buildings new houses to buy ? :p I want new interiors so bad ... We have like 5 houses with the same design :cry:

Edited by Sharks80fr
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I daydreamed about such a thing for IV's DLCs, but it never happened.


I would love to see some of the homes under construction be completed and available to purchase in GTAO. I'd be happy with a typical 3/2/2 house with pool table in place of dining table, and my drums in the garage...

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I don't think so. It is stated in the game itself that the reason there are so many construction sites around the map is because of the economy. The companies can't afford to finish the buildings. It's just part of the theme. The game is set in modern days where the whole world is struggling financially. The game must have started being developed around 2008 which is when the global crisis started so it will have influenced the story.


That being said...I would actually love them to update these buildings so that they are complete. They should at least finish that huge skyscraper, it just looks stupid.

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The shopping mall in Vice City was pretty asesome, would be cool if one of the construction sites changed into that

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The amount of building sites in GTA V is amazing.

There must be at least 10 across the map, but that's a very wild guess.

I have never been to L.A. so I wouldn't know if there's a lot of building projects there or if this is in GTA V for a different reason.


I would love to see DLC that takes place in Los Santos one or two years later, with all the building projects now complete, that would give the city a new and awesome look.


Anyway, let me know what you think about this

I was talking about this with some buddies just the other day they said no way they are just there. I could have swarn a couple of them are new (within the past couple months) I really think they are of things to come, like maybe purchasable houses (coustomizable)?
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I more so hope that they add interiors, alot of them. I find LS feeling really empty because almost none of the buildings are enterable. I know im being picky but I cant help it.

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No, no. There definitely ARE new buildings. I was in one. There's a house under construction in the Vespucci Canals. From the second floor, I was able to hose down and zip a fellow player who got too close with a sustained burst of submachine gun fire.

pics or location?



Nope I went to go check it out,it`s always been there I stand by what I wrote earlier either they talking sh*t or the placebo effect,the only thing changed so far is the statue on the beach.

Edited by ViceCityStalker
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There is also the fact that game engine technology doesn't allow a building to progressively change.


A building can 'flip' from one thing to the other (an example being the O'Neil Farmhouse which, after The Crystal Maze went from a large house to a derelict wreck. Another example is the FIB building after the bomb attack which, for a time, has indications of damage before changing back to normal).



Buildings can change from one thing to another but they cannot change little by little over time.

Actually it depends on how R* decides to do it. If they want a building to get more detailed after a certain mission is complete they could do that. Heck, I could even do it in San Andreas (2004) right now.

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