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I was always curious about this...


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I occasionally run into other players using a tank. (Who doesn't own a tank now besides the lower levels?) Usually, I will be in one of my more expensive cars, such as my Entity XF or Roosevelt. They destroy me and my car (I do not have a bounty on me usually) and I will then have to pay for said vehicle. Almost $10,000 down the drain because of some griefer in a tank. If I shoot someones car with my tank, I have to fully pay for it unless I run them over and blow them up. Now I don't usually pull out a tank unless there is another player in a tank who needs to be dealt with.


But every now and then I'll just pull out a tank to just go for a joy ride, and I won't shoot anyone else they try to pull me out of my tank, or they begin to fire any weapons or explosives at me. When they're in a car, especially the more expensive vehicles, I hesitate to fire back.


Now I am not exactly asking how people manage to destroy other players cars without having to pay, I am mainly just asking if anyone else is experiencing this.


P.S: Sorry if this seems a little disorganized or if I repeated anything. I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep within the past 48 hours lol.

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yep normal routine for tank griefers and trolls, for them it's just a little extra chuckle to go with their fun.

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Black Rabbit

They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

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im level high 80s and i do not own a tank


I occasionally run into other players using a tank. (Who doesn't own a tank now besides the lower levels?) Usually, I will be in one of my more expensive cars, such as my Entity XF or Roosevelt. They destroy me and my car (I do not have a bounty on me usually) and I will then have to pay for said vehicle. Almost $10,000 down the drain because of some griefer in a tank. If I shoot someones car with my tank, I have to fully pay for it unless I run them over and blow them up. Now I don't usually pull out a tank unless there is another player in a tank who needs to be dealt with.

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Because twankers complain to R* more than any other group. They don't have to pay insurance, sniping gets removed, etc.

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They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

So that's how those scum bags do it. Rockstar seriously needs to address this, I hate having to pay a large amount of money because of some (Probably a little kid) griefer who tries to make the game less fun to play.


im level high 80s and i do not own a tank


I occasionally run into other players using a tank. (Who doesn't own a tank now besides the lower levels?) Usually, I will be in one of my more expensive cars, such as my Entity XF or Roosevelt. They destroy me and my car (I do not have a bounty on me usually) and I will then have to pay for said vehicle. Almost $10,000 down the drain because of some griefer in a tank. If I shoot someones car with my tank, I have to fully pay for it unless I run them over and blow them up. Now I don't usually pull out a tank unless there is another player in a tank who needs to be dealt with.


Let me re-phrase that. Most people, not all above level 70, own a tank. Mainly because of that little money exploit where trillions of dollars were given out, most people probably wouldn't own a tank if this incident had never occurred. Then again, with the whole rooftop rumble thing going on right now, people would probably get their hands on a tank within just a few hours of playing Rooftop Rumble.

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Black Rabbit


They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

So that's how those scum bags do it. Rockstar seriously needs to address this, I hate having to pay a large amount of money because of some (Probably a little kid) griefer who tries to make the game less fun to play.


^^Serious f*cking quoting issues up in here....hahaha


In any case, yeah, that's why I always grab my Sultan if I see tanks in the lobby because you never know if the guy is a douche with no money to back up his PV exploding (which they usually never have). I've heard friends chatting after their tanks been taken out, "BRB, I need to go rob a store (or sell a car) so I can get enough cash to order another tank"

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I only take out my tank if I see a tank griefer blowing things up. I kill him, he gets mad, and leaves, and I put my tank back and do what I was doing before.

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The other day I was in my tank and I noticed a huge gun fight at a LSC..I drove to it and shelled about 5 people and 3-4 PVs, I did not pay insurance or get BS warning..On the other hand, I shot a guy in a Chadder a couple days ago, and paid 12,000...Seems kind of random to me, it may have to do with the tank moving, I read on here somewhere, that if your fingers are off the throttle when you shell, you don't pay?

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Level 134 here legit with no tank.
Whenever there's a tank in the lobby I always take a fast car and avoid their sights/area. No point in being a deer in headlights, especially if those headlights are in the most overpowered thing in the world. It's a tank, sure, but that thing cannot be stopped.

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They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

what if both players are broke, who pays the insurance in that case?

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Level 134 here legit with no tank.

Whenever there's a tank in the lobby I always take a fast car and avoid their sights/area. No point in being a deer in headlights, especially if those headlights are in the most overpowered thing in the world. It's a tank, sure, but that thing cannot be stopped.

The P-996 Lazer can rip a tank to shreds very quickly. 1-2 seconds of the explosive chain gun rounds into the tank usually destroys it. Although it can be a bit difficult at times.

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They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

what if both players are broke, who pays the insurance in that case?


The player's who's car got blown up. Sadly if you can't afford your premiums you suffer

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They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

what if both players are broke, who pays the insurance in that case?


the owner of the PV pays it, unless they don't want that vehicle back.

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They take all their money, then move it to their second character and take out of the bank. Then the character they use to tank grief doesn't have any money to pay insurance, so they don't have to. Serious flaw in game design.

what if both players are broke, who pays the insurance in that case?


the owner of the PV pays it, unless they don't want that vehicle back.


sure, I forgot about the extra cost when calling mors, ty

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Level 134 here legit with no tank.

Whenever there's a tank in the lobby I always take a fast car and avoid their sights/area. No point in being a deer in headlights, especially if those headlights are in the most overpowered thing in the world. It's a tank, sure, but that thing cannot be stopped.

The P-996 Lazer can rip a tank to shreds very quickly. 1-2 seconds of the explosive chain gun rounds into the tank usually destroys it. Although it can be a bit difficult at times.


Forgot about the jet. True, it does own a tank but going high up then coming down to get the tank is tricky. I usually keep the jet for air vs. air, the Buzzard for tanks (need a co-pilot for those top-down rockets or else you're sort of f*cked). The tank is just that; a tank.

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