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New Money Exploits?


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Just saw a guy put 10 Million dollar bounties on basically the whole lobby and left.

Can anyone confirm this?

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You just have?

Yeah, no bullsh*t, I just saw a retarded amount of cash on people's heads in a lobby. I thought it might of went public but maybe its still unknown.

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Does this mean we're going to go back to the days when everyone had billions?! I wasn't around for that..

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Does this mean we're going to go back to the days when everyone had billions?! I wasn't around for that..


Then you're one lucky son of a bitch.

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bounties have been completely patched, no matter the bounty amount placed you will never receive more than 9000.


someone had like a 100 million on them a while ago, waited it out in a private game and didn't receive anything.

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