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New radio stations

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I know it's not a major issue, but I'm getting pretty tired of the same music stations and it would be nice to see some new additions.

I've always liked the thought of a classical music station, imagine having Bach playing while your speeding down the motorway dodging police or the rise of the Valkyries blasting while you blow away the competition in your buzzard apocalypse now style.


Any other ideas?

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I know it's not a major issue, but I'm getting pretty tired of the same music stations and it would be nice to see some new additions.

I've always liked the thought of a classical music station, imagine having Bach playing while your speeding down the motorway dodging police or the rise of the Valkyries blasting while you blow away the competition in your buzzard apocalypse now style.


Any other ideas?

"Ride of the Valkyries"

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Maybe my memory is faulty but, I'm pretty sure in one of the earlier GTAs, on the PC version you could play your own MP3s on the radio. That would be good.

GTA IV did that, and I made a LOT of use of that feature.


That said, when (not if) GTA V comes out for the PC, I expect it to be a feature there, and I will be buying the PC version the second it is released anyway. My only hope is that they will let me transfer my Online character.


But, as far as new stations, I think they should host a "real" radio station. A 24/7 station that features real DJs picking real music. They could even include real commercials if they wanted. I think that would be a lot more interesting than another "static" station that plays the same few songs on repeat with the same few commercials on repeat.

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