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I beginning to think this is most of GTAO...


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Its nice playing with others with ping below 50. But with spring break starting, its seems like all the potato people have came out to play.

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Aero Dynamo

Just start an Invite only server and play with people you know that have the best internet connection.

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If GTA: O is all you want to do, but the connection is too unbearable, try stimulate your brain with something else.


Like masturbation or bikerides etc.

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Just start an Invite only server and play with people you know that have the best internet connection.



If GTA: O is all you want to do, but the connection is too unbearable, try stimulate your brain with something else.


Like masturbation or bikerides etc.



You guys act like this doesn't already happen. I'm just simply stating how others play gtaO. WIth potato connection. I find it hilarious to go into a lobby and people assume high ping is better.

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That sig is just too awesome.

Edited by I3AZZAI2
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Aero Dynamo


If GTA: O is all you want to do, but the connection is too unbearable, try stimulate your brain with something else.


Like masturbation or bikerides etc.

That sig is just too awesome.



Why quote the text when you liked the sig? lol

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If GTA: O is all you want to do, but the connection is too unbearable, try stimulate your brain with something else.


Like masturbation or bikerides etc.



You guys act like this doesn't already happen. I'm just simply stating how others play gtaO. WIth potato connection. I find it hilarious to go into a lobby and people assume high ping is better.


Never heard of these ''potato connections''. I've only heard of caffeine and strawberry connections.



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