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Award Ideas for Events?


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So I was talking to someone the other day about Car Shows and Event awards.


In the old days we could take an "entry" fee and hand out awards to the winner at the end. Now that is no longer an option.


The original idea I had was to have a Race and then a Car Show back in the lobby and split up "last job" winnings to the highest vote, but when you hit Freemode about 4 or the original people make it back. So that is out.


I don't want to consider glitching or hacking obviously, but that leaves someone going around selling Simeon cars and knocking over armored trucks to share which anybody can just do that, so it doesn't make sense.


So I'm all out of ideas on how or what to award a winner of a car show.


The voting part, by the way, I have down.

You go to a 16 player room.

Every player sends a text message on their phone to the host saying who they vote for.

The voter can't vote for themself.

There is a time limit once everyone shows up to the meet spot to text your choice as well.

You can only vote once and once it's placed it can't be retracted.

At the end, votes are tallied up and whoever has the most votes wins.



So what are your ideas on what awards and how?

Edited by vipprimo
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Screw awards. People in GTA online have no taste anyway. Sport bikes with white rims, ugly cars in chrome will win because YOLOSWAGS.


Award them a report for using/abusing in game exploits. Just cause.

Edited by Ninja_Gear
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