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2 garages?


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Hey guys,


just wanted to know, if it's now possible to own 2 garages. Some people say, that they have 2.

I tried to buy a second one, but the normal screen appeared ("you already have an apartment ").

Can also come in the next update, can't it?

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they are using there second character's garage....i store most of the cars i like but dont normally drive in my second characters garage

Edited by ManInBlack
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Not yet but in the last update they changed the GPS from saying 'home' to your actual address, I beleive R* or another source mentioned something about mansions too (link anyone?). Hopefully we can in the next update. Would be cool to have a mansion in the city and an apartment/garage out in blaine county.

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Oh, didn't know that the mean their second character. Thanks for the help, really a great forum.

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Oh, didn't know that the mean their second character. Thanks for the help, really a great forum.

What... you can't use 2 characters at the same time. I think it's for new properties if/when they come out. People are going to need more things to buy with their heist money :D

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I'm confused. Can you enter a second character's garage with a first character? If so, can you also use them in races?

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I'm confused. Can you enter a second character's garage with a first character? If so, can you also use them in races?

No, but that would be a great option for races. If R* can't manage more garage space at least let us select from both characters cars.

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