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my ps3 got frozen 3 times while playing today


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Have it happened to you?


Why does it happens?

Edited by BobEsponjoso
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this belongs in either the pinned thread for bitching and moaning or troubleshooting either way its in the wrong section

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Yup, it's that update 1.11. A lot of us have been experiencing freezing-problems ever since it came out.

Oh, and ManInBlack: your comment belongs in the thread for bitching and moaning.

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Started to happen to me after 1.11 patch
E: same as above

Edited by Laveerre
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Bob, do you have the BluRay version of the game?


From all the people I've been asking on Rballs site, they all seem to be PS3 with BluRay...


Xbox... not so sure about, those people don't have a clue so I haven't been able to obtain great info... If they have the HDDVD version I'm interested if a HD (disc2) and USB (disc1) would fix it... usb can't be some f*cking freebie you got from your HappyMeal... spend $20~30 on a something with good read/writes. slickdeals posts good usbs every week.



There seems to be multiple issues with freezing and there isn't 1 single answer.

1) sometimes a hacker

2) sometimes maybe the update f*cked up BluRay copies and/or Xbox

3) people have 8 year old systems... and they run like 8 year old systems.... If I bench the original HD that came with the Fat... how do you think it stacks up to a low end 5400 drive made recently; let alone something built more for performance.

Edited by Jyra
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this belongs in either the pinned thread for bitching and moaning or troubleshooting either way its in the wrong section

I dont really know where this belongs to. Im new here and a little bit lost.
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I'm tired of this!


R*, why dont the f*ck you fix your sh*t servers!!!

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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated... Edited by Sushi__Wolf
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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...

I am not the only one cupcake.

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Bob, do you have the BluRay version of the game?


From all the people I've been asking on Rballs site, they all seem to be PS3 with BluRay...


Xbox... not so sure about, those people don't have a clue so I haven't been able to obtain great info... If they have the HDDVD version I'm interested if a HD (disc2) and USB (disc1) would fix it... usb can't be some f*cking freebie you got from your HappyMeal... spend $20~30 on a something with good read/writes. slickdeals posts good usbs every week.



There seems to be multiple issues with freezing and there isn't 1 single answer.

1) sometimes a hacker

2) sometimes maybe the update f*cked up BluRay copies and/or Xbox

3) people have 8 year old systems... and they run like 8 year old systems.... If I bench the original HD that came with the Fat... how do you think it stacks up to a low end 5400 drive made recently; let alone something built more for performance.

Every PS3 have BluRayDisc. No? Edited by BobEsponjoso
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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...
I am not the only one cupcake. stay scared puz.
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Haven't had a game-freeze yet, but since the newest update I can't watch tv anymore in a normal way.... after some minutes the cam stops following the person I was watching and my Char arrow is spawned on the place my cam was, only way to get out is switching sessions :/

Edited by GTA-Addicted
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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...

I am not the only one cupcake.

This is how the game is meant to be played:

Invite Only - Fast as hell loading times, esspecially coming out of a mission. Use this mode if you want to join missions

Go Mode - Use this mode to call a tank and drive to it as quick as possible and then camp the people who don't know about passive mode (80% or better).


God has spoken. Thy will be done or I'll tell DomisLive; he's main admin of GTAO now

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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...
I am not the only one cupcake. stay scared puz.

I am an adult...Adults are not scared of pixelated bullets.

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Every PS3 have BluRayDisc. No?


Right but digital copy doesn't use it.

Nor does an emulated bluray drive.. :santa:

^ those two I've never had this chronic freeze people are bitching like crazy about on their forums...


R* doesn't seem to care but I'm interested .. might help some asshole along the way god forbid.


* I still regret selling the physical copy... cuz I'd be testing this bitch like crazy.... No students have said anything to me about theirs not working... they mostly have Xboxes too which on the forums seems to be reported more than ps3

Edited by Jyra
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Bob, do you have the BluRay version of the game?


From all the people I've been asking on Rballs site, they all seem to be PS3 with BluRay...


Xbox... not so sure about, those people don't have a clue so I haven't been able to obtain great info... If they have the HDDVD version I'm interested if a HD (disc2) and USB (disc1) would fix it... usb can't be some f*cking freebie you got from your HappyMeal... spend $20~30 on a something with good read/writes. slickdeals posts good usbs every week.



There seems to be multiple issues with freezing and there isn't 1 single answer.

1) sometimes a hacker

2) sometimes maybe the update f*cked up BluRay copies and/or Xbox

3) people have 8 year old systems... and they run like 8 year old systems.... If I bench the original HD that came with the Fat... how do you think it stacks up to a low end 5400 drive made recently; let alone something built more for performance.

Every PS3 have BluRayDisc. No? ° grabs popcorn waiting for all kinds of hate texts over this post°





Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...
I am not the only one cupcake.
stay scared puz.I am an adult...Adults are not scared of pixelated bullets. Enjoy shooting NPCs that takes allot of skill... Invite only auto aim experts.... Edited by Sushi__Wolf
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Every PS3 have BluRayDisc. No?


Right but digital copy doesn't use it.

Nor does an emulated bluray drive.. :santa:

^ those two I've never had this chronic freeze people are bitching like crazy about on their forums...


R* doesn't seem to care but I'm interested .. might help some asshole along the way god forbid.


* I still regret selling the physical copy... cuz I'd be testing this bitch like crazy.... No students have said anything to me about theirs not working... they mostly have Xboxes too which on the forums seems to be reported more than ps3

Havent think on it, you are right.

Hope i dont get any freeze tonight,because those 3 ones in a row this morning made me really angry.


I got even more angry when i had to shut down the os3 with the rear button.

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Bob, do you have the BluRay version of the game?


From all the people I've been asking on Rballs site, they all seem to be PS3 with BluRay...


Xbox... not so sure about, those people don't have a clue so I haven't been able to obtain great info... If they have the HDDVD version I'm interested if a HD (disc2) and USB (disc1) would fix it... usb can't be some f*cking freebie you got from your HappyMeal... spend $20~30 on a something with good read/writes. slickdeals posts good usbs every week.



There seems to be multiple issues with freezing and there isn't 1 single answer.

1) sometimes a hacker

2) sometimes maybe the update f*cked up BluRay copies and/or Xbox

3) people have 8 year old systems... and they run like 8 year old systems.... If I bench the original HD that came with the Fat... how do you think it stacks up to a low end 5400 drive made recently; let alone something built more for performance.

Every PS3 have BluRayDisc. No?
° grabs popcorn waiting for all kinds of hate texts over this post°





Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...
I am not the only one cupcake.
stay scared puz.I am an adult...Adults are not scared of pixelated bullets. Enjoy shooting NPCs that makes you a lot of money...


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Guys in many RTM tools (Google it if u don't know about it), there's the "Paralyze" function, wot d'ya think that's for? So yes it's the hackers.

Edited by johnjack84
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Post patch related OP, everyone and myself has had their console freeze 6 times or more.

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Guys in many RTM tools (Google it if u don't know about it), there's the "Paralyze" function, wot d'ya think that's for? So yes it's the hackers.

f*ck all that people ruining the game, why should it be usefull? To laugh for something you are not even seeing?

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GRRRRRRRRR finally got 8 people to do my race playlist & it freezes before we even start! yay R*

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Post patch related OP, everyone and myself has had their console freeze 6 times or more.


It's really annoying, now playing since an hour and a half and no problems over here, lets see later

GRRRRRRRRR finally got 8 people to do my race playlist & it freezes before we even start! yay R*

Same this morning! hahahaha i completely understand the harm you feel hahahahaha

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It's happened quite often, especially when I'm busy killing. Rat bastards.

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Have you tried an invite only sessions, with only proven friends?


The idea is to see if it freezes because of the game / patch, or there is another reason, like hackers / tow truck / something else that makes the client freeze, not the actual game, but something that should not be in MP and is throwing unhandled errors.


I am not playing actively for quite a while now, so I cannot confirm or deny if it freezes or not. Not now, anyway.

Edited by Phyxsius-
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Invite only FTW.

Dude your the only one who rocks invite only and thinks its cool,, your just scared though and probably have no skill.. Have fun being alone and segregated...

I am not the only one cupcake.

I also play invite only and my late model xbox freezes, especially recently. Mostly when returning to the world after a playlist but sometimes when driving around corners.


From this we can infer that: smoked, invite only isn't the answer. Wolf, you're an arrogant asshat.

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