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You Can Force the Clean Rebel to Spawn


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Just a PSA for those seeking it, as well as a Bravado pick up, Sandking, and the BF Surfer. Also got a couple questions about it last night while I was testing one out, happy to save the world from more chrome'd super cars in free roam.


Step 1:

Go to the same spot as where the BF Surfer spawns.




Step 2:

If it's not there, drive south along the dirt road along the coast line.


Step 3: If it's not there, parked in a clearing, then keep driving until you pass under the bridge. Turn around, and drive back to the BF Surfer/ Sandking spot.


If done right, everything will respawn with a new roll, go to the pick up, turn around, back toward the bridge. The clean Rebel should force spawn in, at most, a few tries. This is how you get every kind of BF Surfer too and a ton of Sandking options, but yet to get a pick up with a bed cover. :/


Credit for the picture to stripedhemi.

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This thread is winning! Good work OP. Finally someone found someone good

Edited by DannyMan
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I swear the rebel would be my offroad vehicle of choice if it was faster. :/


Same boat. It sucks so bad that they unpowered a ton of the cars in the off road category. The Mesa suffers from the same thing.

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I would've kept my rebel if you were able to remove the stupid side-steps. I like it as a baja truck, but those side-steps were just eye gauging. Same with the sadler.

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You can get the same situation if you go to the East side of the map and a little lower than the spot marked on the op's map. There's a deathmatch marker plus a gang attack there, sorry I can't remember the area.


I'm not sure it's applicable or if it's coincidence but it took me ages to find a surfer van whilst forcing it to spawn there while in an entity but the other day when I went back in a carbon to get a clean rebel all types mentioned in op spawned easily, surfers without boards, clean rebels and even some estate car that I'd never seen before spawned. It was like Christmas! Until I triggered the blooming gang attack all the time :(

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You can get the same situation if you go to the East side of the map and a little lower than the spot marked on the op's map. There's a deathmatch marker plus a gang attack there, sorry I can't remember the area.


I'm not sure it's applicable or if it's coincidence but it took me ages to find a surfer van whilst forcing it to spawn there while in an entity but the other day when I went back in a carbon to get a clean rebel all types mentioned in op spawned easily, surfers without boards, clean rebels and even some estate car that I'd never seen before spawned. It was like Christmas! Until I triggered the blooming gang attack all the time :(


that gang attack is where i usually find mine...

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