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How to get a hardtop banshee


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Misleading f*ckING TITLE


No! You have to keep buying it and if your lucky you will get it.


Only do it if your rich

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I don't know if the color has any influence, I've read it could be the case. To get mine, I had to buy several, until the hardtop appeared. Cost me twenty seven hours of rooftop rumble to pay for it.

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Seriously dude... think through your f*cking titles.

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Somebody said of the Coquette if you buy out in freeroam and have it delivered as opposed to in your apt you get a different top. Might be true for banshee idk and don't take my word for it.

Someone can test it if ya got a few extra 100k

I can try it if I go on later and don't get sidetracked as I always do (did someone say add?)

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Is it really such a big deal that he did not include a question mark? I mean really, are you THAT desperate for a hardtop?


Anyway, to answer your question OP, it's random. you have to buy and check it after it is delivered. We can get two options for a lot of other cars, but apparently someone forgot about the damn Banshee.

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I don't know if the color has any influence, I've read it could be the case. To get mine, I had to buy several, until the hardtop appeared. Cost me twenty seven hours of rooftop rumble to pay for it.

Yer Craaazzy!! :p

I always drive the Banshees I find on the streets.

Matter of fact I was beating on one last night

Parked it on the sidewalk by Ponsbys so no one would notice my Dameon parked in the parking space while my dude was shopping.. :)

Edited by Malibu454
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