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Transporting the sub


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So playing as Michael I grabbed hold of a cargo-bob flew it to Sandy Shores airfield and hooked up the sub, I wanted to explore the underwater area of the huge lake behind Trevors hometown (forget the name) is it even a lake? Anyway, I digress, when I dropped the sub into the water it appeared to be bobbing about fine, so I landed the cargo-bob on the embankment. When I got out the sub was no longer visible, I swam towards where I dropped it but it was nowhere to be seen?


What am I doing wrong?

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Drop it very close to the shore, and keep the camera pointed at it as you land the helicopter.

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There is already a topic of exactly this existing: http://gtaforums.com/topic/666292-submarine-in-lake-alamo/?hl=submarine


There is also a video about transporting the sub you can find here:http://gtaforums.com/topic/681653-aircraft-in-gta-v/?do=findComment&comment=1064686244


Best way not to loose the sub is to jump out of the hovering heli and into the water from little high.

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There is already a topic of exactly this existing: http://gtaforums.com/topic/666292-submarine-in-lake-alamo/?hl=submarine


There is also a video about transporting the sub you can find here:http://gtaforums.com/topic/681653-aircraft-in-gta-v/?do=findComment&comment=1064686244


Best way not to loose the sub is to jump out of the hovering heli and into the water from little high.




Please use the search feature prior to posting a thread in the future.

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