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Hypothetical question:

Mosin Nagant 91/30

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Mosin Nagant 91/30

If heists come out, and they offer us a chance to turn on or "back stab" our fellow heist members and take their cut of the pie, would you do it? This is assuming you play with friends and crew and not random.


I could see myself doing it once or twice lol.

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If I play one with randoms who are just ass clowns then yes.


If everyone does what they are supposed to with no retard intervention, then no.

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Depends on the friends mate. Your bros you don't rip off but other crew members n sh*t of course you do.

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not with crew members.... im more likey to give a cut of mine to a lower ranked crew member than screw over any of my crewbies...


as for randoms it would depend on their conduct.... youd have to really piss me off for me to want to steal your cut and purposefully disrupt others from executing the heist... but other than that even someone with a small job deserves their cut

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Taking money from other players has always taken a back seat to other features in this game.. You could choose not to share money from a bounty or knocking over a store but thats all unscripted in game drama that would cause unrest in the crew. Also the only ways to screw other players over scripted are already competitive game types, more unscripted means would be blowing up a high priority vehicle, taking a bounty or killing someone for an armored truck (my favorite)


But my answer would be... YES. Strangers and friends alike. I would backstab the f*ck out of someone to get some money. Only because I would like to see the retribution in full force from an equally diabolical mastermind.

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If I play one with randoms who are just ass clowns then yes.


If this feature would be implemented, why would anyone be silly enough to play with randoms who'll obviously be doing this righ tback to you.


It would be yet another impediment to coop play, making the mode utterly useless.

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I wouldn't betray my friends. I would betray a random person and take thier cut. Everytime.

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Last night, I was racing with six other players for about an hour. Race after race, they were good and clean racers. We had a great time.

But when nobody voted in the last voting screen, we were all dumped back into Free Roam on the side of the road near the prison.

That's when everybody started shooting and killing each other. It was insane and fun at the same time. Fortunately, I expected it so I got in three kills and got killed once before grabbing a random Habanero and driving off over the hills toward LS.


So, yeah, my answer to your question is, "yes," people will turn on each other in this game as quick as the money gets spent in this game, which is pretty quick.

My advice, expect it and be prepared for it.

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If I play one with randoms who are just ass clowns then yes.


If this feature would be implemented, why would anyone be silly enough to play with randoms who'll obviously be doing this righ tback to you.


It would be yet another impediment to coop play, making the mode utterly useless.

I play with randoms because none of my crew members play anymore and my real life friends all have PS3s...


I'm a good random mission player. You wana be that ass clown...? Go for it. Bravo, sir, bravo.

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No, i dont wanna backstab my heist partners like what Michael did. That snake!!

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Prisoners dilemma. The logical action is to always f*ck people over. I probably wouldn't though.


Last night, I was racing with six other players for about an hour. Race after race, they were good and clean racers. We had a great time.

But when nobody voted in the last voting screen, we were all dumped back into Free Roam on the side of the road near the prison.

That's when everybody started shooting and killing each other. It was insane and fun at the same time. Fortunately, I expected it so I got in three kills and got killed once before grabbing a random Habanero and driving off over the hills toward LS.


So, yeah, my answer to your question is, "yes," people will turn on each other in this game as quick as the money gets spent in this game, which is pretty quick.

My advice, expect it and be prepared for it.


Had this happen a few times too. Don't have a problem with it personally as to me all it is is a continuation of pvp from racing to gun play.

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Crew members definitly not.

Other players, depends if they activly contribute to the heist, or are only there for the cut whilst going out for a smoke in real life.

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I can't see it happening but not my crew or friends.


If you are in one of those stupid crews of 800+ people then I recommend that you do backstab before they do it to you.

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I would definitely do that just to hear some people rage XD

Hell, I'd even do it to friends...

I think you could still share the money from the last job so that wouldn't matter that much, I'd just want them to get that "wtf you traitor bitch" moment

Edited by Bozzah
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No, unless they are purposefully griefing. If they just suck, I'd still give them their cut.

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I won't do Heists, this thread just proves that you shouldn't trust a single f*cking soul

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Wait, if everyone backstabs everyone else who gets the money? The first guy to backstab? What would be the point in playing the mission if the first guy gets all the money?


Long story short, they will never allow you to take other ppls money.

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I feel like I'm too nice for GTAO.


I don't back stab and try not to screw my 'team' over if I can help it.


I'm so screwed.

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With crew members and mates, no... But random's would be getting the "Batman intro" treatment if they f*cked up to many times (like more then once..)

Edited by blakeney
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