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Who else would love a No Police Lobby option?

Terrazi Terrajin

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Terrazi Terrajin

It's starting to become the thing I miss most from GTA4's online.
The cops in this game catch-on to /EVERYTHING/ you do, even when there are no pedestrian witnesses around.

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I've requested this a bunch of times and I still want it. God I f*cking hate the cops online, they smash into you and you get a star for nothing and die

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No, they've ruined every good gunfight/shootout/battle I've ever had... why would i want them removed?


Well now that i think about it,,,, it actually MIGHT be nice. Sure, why not.

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I've requested this a bunch of times and I still want it. God I f*cking hate the cops online, they smash into you and you get a star for nothing and die

Then they impound your vehicle.

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Only if these servers have no Armoured Trucks, store robberys or High Priority Vehicles.

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The police is annoying but they are good since they make it harder for free roam pvp. Some players can avantage that the police is attacking their foe to flee away.


But most of the time the police is annoying...but rampaging against them is fun sometimes.

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I agree with a no cop option when you start a invite only lobby its a great idea. I do like the cops but sometimes it would be nice to just turn them off.

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Why would they make no cops lobbies on this. They've created a big immersive world. So if no cops lobbies became availible then eventually the normal lobbies would die because everyone is only playing no cops lobbies, the normal lobbies would eventually become ghost towns. Having no cops lobbies would slowly kill the whole game.


If you want no cops lobbies just go create a death match with the largest time limit availible and no score limit and go slog it out that way

Edited by KimberJane
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Yeah tell me about it, damn frustrating, u trying to have a gun fight with other people and cops come and ruin the party wtf, they worse than flies, everytime u even just pick your nose they are there, we need a lobby with no cops option for sure.

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As for the middle of nowhere thing, I'd like to see a witness system where the pedestrian calling 911 is shown on the map, so you have the option to silence them a la rdr.

Edited by HopalongCasidy
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Terrazi Terrajin

Why would they make no cops lobbies on this. They've created a big immersive world. So if no cops lobbies became availible then eventually the normal lobbies would die because everyone is only playing no cops lobbies, the normal lobbies would eventually become ghost towns. Having no cops lobbies would slowly kill the whole game.


If you want no cops lobbies just go create a death match with the largest time limit availible and no score limit and go slog it out that way


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i just wish they had a seperate volume control for sirens, i like to play my game at a decent level of volume, i like the gunshots, the music, and the car engines, but i hate the sirens so much

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Sometimes when a friend and I just want to mess around and cause general mayhem we will start a GTA race with wanted levels off, traffic and custom vehicles turned on.


You're good to 'free roam' as soon as the weapons become enabled.


Now if I could just get rid of the 'wrong way' banner that pops up when you're moving away from the nearest checkpoint.

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everyone one would play in the 'no cop' lobby option and it would ruin the game.


what would be good is occasionally, at random, you get a message from lester saying a local crime lord has bought, say, a day long police non-activity window so you and everyone else can really f*ck sh*t up for a bit.

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line of chop

They should tone the f*cking police down and they need to fix the glitches where you get stars for doing nothing wrong. This game is full of f*cking glitches, f*ck Cockstar.

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I'd play this, although I enjoy the random chaos added on from police while I'm fighting people in FR.

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Yes plz. Options to disable like previous GTAs. With private servers of course.

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I just wish we could turn off auto aim on them.

A men. Especially in a helicopter.

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