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New YT gamer group!

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Hi guys


I am writing this post looking for people on the Playstation network who have YouTube channels, that are in their early days, like mine (160 subs - 20,000 views). The idea is to form a group of friends who will promote each others channel and be around for live stream, glitches and tutorial videos. Preferably people from the UK then at least we are all on the same time zone. Also I would presume potential groupees will be set up with headsets, capture devices and computers.


If you are interested then you can either message me on:-


GTAForum = http://gtaforums.com/user/914825-xxfastfingersxx/

YouTube = https://www.youtube.com/user/xXFastFingersXx/featured

Twitter = https://twitter.com/xFastFingersx

PSN = xXFast-FingersXx



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