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making martin's rooftop rumble

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call merryweather for a chopper pickup, have the rest of the guys go in for the document, and then fly there in very little time. Faster than any vehicle regardless of driver.


Really ?


Holy sh*t


Why had no-one ever thought of this before ?

Edited by chili27
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my crew mate figured it out and we've been doing it past week and a half. I stopped, because I feel cheap levelling that way. I got to 76 legit. I'm 101 now.

land on martin's roof. it rumbles. lol

not sure if sarcasm. I don't read these forums ever so if someone posted this already, than I guess great minds think alike. (credit goes to killercolt876) ps3


so you can do RR in less than 2 mins 30 waiting for a chopper?? cos i sure as hell can do 2 min 30 second runs on my akuma...

if you call the chopper as soon as the mission starts, it arrives before the documents have been collected - then its a straight race between a chopper and a superbike, even on the bike, it's not happening up those bendy roads on the vinewood hills ;)

Yeah, while one person stands there and does nothing lets everyone else get his 18K, At least deal with the trucks if nothing else,come on!

Everyone in any Contact Mission, even Dead or just sits and does nothing is going to get the Money/RP after the Missions complete.


I meant less than two minutes after the document is obtained. Less than a minute actually. It takes time for the guys to clear out the garage. We stealth kill them all and no sh*ts are fired. One person stays back to call the chopper and provide cover fire if it gets hairy.

Oh and randoms will get in the chopper. I've yet to have someone stubbornly drive off with it. I tell em " hey this is quicker and we can't get shot and they run for the heli."

we do drive sometimes. we also don't grind it because we want to have legit levels. I join it if it pops up. We do do it for quick cash sometimes, but as far as grinding it all day for levels, we don't do that.

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