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Best Way to Infiltrate the Military Base?

Aero Dynamo

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Aero Dynamo

Yeah so as some of you guys know yesterday I made a post about how a friend was making Youtube video and how I needed some Camo clothes. Now today as I played, We had to go get some stuff from the military base mainly 4 to 6 Lazers. We were 8 of us. Divided into 2 people per group and went in the base. Some of us went by cars and some went by choppers. Choppers got shot down by tanks where as we could hardly make it to the jets. A guy got blow up as he started his jet. We managed to get 3 lazers at the end.


So this was not successful and all started blaming each other for the bad plan. We are going to try again after some time and I want a full proof plan. Wish we could buy the Lazer off the website... Anyway, I want you guys to tell me best ways to get into the base and get out with the lazer as fast as possible without being blown up. So what's the best way?


A: By Air

B: By Land

C: By Water


Please give some suggestions and steps how you guys get your jets.

Edited by Aero Dynamo
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Can't help thinking you have massively over thinked it mate. I just jump the face in a car, drive into the hangar and get the jet and fly out. Piece of piss.

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There all easy but...


Land, jump the fence by the east gate (unless your coming from Paleto bay then jump the fence by the tunnel) and drive into hangar. If tanks come your usually screwed but most of the time with a fast car your in before the alarms go off.


Don't know why people drive all the way around back to that stupid hill! Must be the first place they learned.

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Can't help thinking you have massively over thinked it mate. I just jump the face in a car, drive into the hangar and get the jet and fly out. Piece of piss.

Yeah, i've been in there for 30 minutes or so without getting killed, and still got away in a Lazer.

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If you all go in together, bad times.


Go in one or two at a time, from the south, to avoid tanks, as much as possible.


If all 8 of you went in at the same time... Well yeah, the spawning is going to make it extra difficult.

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I always fly in low in a chopper and grab one of the two jets at the east of the base.

The one nearer the southern boundary that is enclosed by low walls on three sides I generally have more success with, the one out in the open seems to get tanked more.

As soon as I'm moving I get the jet vertical for a few secs and this avoids any AA rockets or other Lazers.

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Aero Dynamo

Can't help thinking you have massively over thinked it mate. I just jump the face in a car, drive into the hangar and get the jet and fly out. Piece of piss.


That's the problem mate. When Im alone its like taking candy from a baby. We planned exactly what we would do after getting in. But once all of us got in all started running in all directions in a frenzy. Plan got flopped immediately and in that confusion tanks blew them up. Glad I managed to go to that big hangar and stole a jet. But others couldn't make it.

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By air is the easiest for me, i hover next to the hangar with the jet, parachute down and kill the first soldiers that are usually there when you land then quickly take the jet and move on with what i'm doing. Usually fly it lo to avoid getting shot down

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I normally make an appointment with a high ranking official at the base, then when he/she's not looking, I slip out the back and I'm golden.

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Fast car, Jump in from the highway down from Paleto, drive around for a few minutes, then lure them back up to where you jumped in, drive down to jet with little opposition.

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Create a GTA race like the one in my sig and jump the ramp over the gate and drive right up to Lazers

Traffic on wanted off.

Even with wanted on the tanks don't show up. Just those goofballs in the Crusaders.

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By sea? No. Just no.


By land? Well, there are some places where you need speed to jump inside FZ.


By air? Best to do if you intended to steal a LAZER. Just take a helicopter, and parachute right above FZ. And land on one of the jet's wings.

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Air is the easiest;


Fly in low overtop of the huge hangar, barely miss it. Fly straight ahead until where 2-3 jets are parked outside under those 'tent' roofs I call them.

Land right before them, get out, and once you get out you'll get a 4star wanted level, not before.


Always 100% gets me a jet, except yesterday when I forgot I had passive mode on and couldn't kill the guard that spawns there. lol.

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You must have been using a non military issue helicopter if they were getting blown up before they were getting to the jets.


Military issue (buzzard, annihilator, and cargobob) all can fly in unnoticed until you step foot on the ground.


My preferred strategy with more than two people is to drop two off, keep flying the buzzard until they are safely out, that way you can help take down the npc in the jets that will tail them. By the time you've done that, the base is in such dissaray that you can usually sneak out only having to deal with the one ground to air missile.


Solo, I fly a buzzard right next to one of the jets in the parking spaces by the runway, then fly out to the east next to the main gate, avoid the missile, then climb to deal with the npc jet on my tail. Driving over the fence is doable, but in my experience, the tanks have more time to get to the jets to guard them.


My favorite method with a non military helicopter or plane is the HALO jump, opening the chute just above one of those same lazers, and landing on it. Allows you to shoot the one NPC guarding the jet and then hop right in and out.

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merrieweather helicopter pickup


no stars until you jump our or shoot



OR military aircraft, just like posted above me

Edited by Bozzah
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When in a group, have one guy get a tank from pegasus and lift it in with a cargobob or jump the fence from the hill to the north.

Then that guy protects the guy who go in for a jet and kills everything.


Might take more than one tank-life if you ar slow and gets alot of tank recistance.

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i get my buzzard, fly right to the edge of the base. then i parachute in... i pay attn to where the jet is going to spawn, it always takes a while to glitch in, moreso when you get closer to the ground so you have to pay close attn. land right next to the jet. jump in and drive away. call lester asap and remove wanted level.

it never fails i get the jet every single time without much conflict.


200 to call the buzzard.

800 to remove wanted level


so it cost 1000$ but its no big deal/.

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Get a level <30 less than 30 players will cause the game to not spawn tanks at the base

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