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Trevor = Johnny


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Hey guys, has anyone out there noticed Trevor has nearly the exact same facial features as Johnny Klebitz, and yet the acting is done by two different actors? Is this just me, because someone should do a side by side photo

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Sir Winthorpe Herrington

Not even close. Sometimes people end up having slightly similar features but when you have BILLIONS of people and only the same nose, mouth, eyes combo to keep putting together obviously you will get some doubles, but no they look nothing at all alike.

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hmm.... So you are saying that this is like Fight Club?

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Hmm Not in a 1000000000000000000000000 years

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No, I see it, they definitely both have faces.


OH... Wait. No. Never mind.

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OK, so I think we've conclusively proved that there is no similarity other than they have faces, which have features on them. They don't even look remotely similar. So we don't need this thread anymore!


Thank you, come again.

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