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Hackers in my garage?

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So when i was on gta 5 online i noticed that there had been a strange figure in my garage eventually i noticed it was a player (black guy) but he was still like he wasn't playing so i thought is this some kinda glitch or what but then he pulled out a automatic weapon and killed me i ended up spawning about 1 mile away so when i went back same thing happened so then i went in to game chat and told everyone else if the guy was in they're garage and he was?.....but how then another player came into my garage (white guy) so i left..... when i came back the white guy left but the other character was still there and i left i come back he kills me. So if this happened to anyone else please respond.


Hackers GT:DertyGhett0Kid

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you can thank domislive a.k.a. dumbasslive for this, he's been spreading it around like it was a common cold


btw, it's not a hack, it's a glitch, just be passive before entering your garage from now on

Edited by J_L_K_64
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Something similar happened to me to two days ago. I was lucky to get out alive!



It's a glitch where they can buy an apartment and go into the PS Store and back out and they spawn back in there garage but can see everybody garage.

Wait so they're in multiple garages at once?

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Ok since your new OP I'll cut you some slack, this isn't new it's becoming rampant, what you will need to do from now on is


1. Start off in an invite only session and enable passive mode

2. Head off to a regular public session, passive mode will transfer over

3. If you encounter any while in passive, just antagonize them, reporting is useless, bc most likely they are using troll accounts

4. Enjoy your GTA Online experience, sad way to enter a game, but I've encountered around 12 different ones, killed 4 times.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Dude they can be in everyone's 10 car garage at once. Watch next time you see one, if your by yourself you'll see them shooting in multiple directions, most likely killing others in their garages. Doesn't matter what apt or what 10 car garage, if you own any of them they can and will get you, especially if your not in passive mode.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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Dude they can be in everyone's 10 car garage at once. Watch next time you see one, if your by yourself you'll see them shooting in multiple directions, most likely killing others in their garages. Doesn't matter what apt or what 10 car garage, if you own any of them they can and will get you, especially if your not in passive mode.

when i was killed in mine, i put a 9k bounty on them, then went back into my garage in passive, and started air thrusting in front of them, trying to block their shots

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That's all you can do really, as I said if they are smart, they are doing it under troll accounts, so reporting them is useless. Next time don't waste 9k on trash, people will still chase him at the same intensity with a 1k bounty.

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It's a glitch where they can buy an apartment and go into the PS Store and back out and they spawn back in there garage but can see everybody garage.


The only way to combat it is to either move out of the 400k apartments or enter your garage passive


it won't help moving out of the 400K, the glitch can be and is being done on all different apartments.

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well i don't care too much about 9k, i can make that back doing rooftop rumble or something, not too worried about it, funny thing is they left the garage a few minutes after i set that bounty on them, and was promptly killed by some random in the lobby

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The only 2 glitches I truly despise is the current garage one, and the wall breaching all over the city in random spots. As much as I hate tanks, I have more respect for someone kill boosting/griefing in one, than I do for someone who can only get kills, by shooting totally defenseless people either by hiding in walls, or now invading people garages.

Edited by SteveNYC81
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This happened to me earlier. Some guy was standing in the corner of my garage & I was just watching him thinking it was a glitch because we both owned the same apartment but then he pulled out an advanced rifle, luckily I got disconnected from the internet right when it happened.

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So this only works in the 400K apartment?


So glad I live at RM

No it can be done at all of the 10 garage apartments


As long as they are in the same apartment building as you they can get you but it's mostly at the 400k apartment because that's where all the d-bags live

Edited by AiraCobra
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Lmao this happend to me yesterday, I was standing in my garage sending a message to someone. All of the sudden I heard gun shots and I'm like WTf. I back out the message and some douche was in the corner shooting a pistol at me. I spawned clear across the map after.


I sent him a "get de fawk outta my gerrrrage lol"

Edited by ProblemChiild88
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So this only works in the 400K apartment?


So glad I live at RM


No it can be done at all of the 10 garage apartments


As long as they are in the same apartment building as you they can get you but it's mostly at the 400k apartment because that's where all the d-bags live

People have said it can be done at the other smaller apartments/ garages, but I have never seen evidence of that personally.

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Happened to me at Tinsel. Reported them and took pictures of them.


It makes me want to just move to the 10 car garage by the airport.

As sad as it is to say, It's pointless reporting, R* are so behind the likes of Domislive (the guy that spread the word for this glitch on his youtube series) that they invited him to take part in the last "Live session".... deleted and banned anyone saying it was seriously wrong them doing it, and even threatened people by email to stop trying to complain about it! By doing that they basically "ok'd" it! :(


I accidently devised a way of helping you not get killed if you forget/dont use passive mode before entering your garage... I got my self a lovely Sandking, and it happened to fill that bottom corner slot.... It puts them out of view of the lift (If they are camped in the corner like all of mine have been), but you can see their heads as you enter so you even have a chance to attack them!

Edited by blakeney
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Something similar happened to me to two days ago. I was lucky to get out alive!



It's a glitch where they can buy an apartment and go into the PS Store and back out and they spawn back in there garage but can see everybody garage.

Wait so they're in multiple garages at once?

Here's the rub, there is infact only one garage per appartment building. Everyone in fact shares it but they and their cars are invisible and intangible to one another. Its like alternate universes stacked ontop of one another.

The glitch not only lets you pull out a weapon but see the people in "their garages" letting you kill them.

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This happened to me last night, late at night and while I was a little bit ston*d.


It sh*t the life out of me and I nearly wet myself, firstly seeing a masked intruder who I thought was there to bum rape me then he shot me, profusely.


I had the mechanic clean the garage out in full, I felt dirty and violated.


If only I knew about passive mode before Id entered the garage (Weazel if it makes a difference) I could have stopped him but now he is embedded in my mind and Im not sure if I can forget this. I hope he doesnt come back as I live there on my own just me and my cat, Mr Blackles.


Its all so sad.

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