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why no flamethrower or chainsaw?

Legit Complainer

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Legit Complainer

seriously, i dont get it. these are fun classic and brutal gta weapons. why did rockstar not implement them into the game? cuz the ps3 looks more realistic than the ps2? oh please... i just wish that there were more varied weapons to have fun with than the boring guns which only shoot bullets and nothing else to spice up our arsenal.

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I can understand the lack of a chainsaw since there is no gore in the game, so it would be weird if you were sawing people with no actual body parts coming off, or at least the body being destroyed/deformed (yeah, I know 3D era games had the chainsaw and little to no gore but, you know, we are in 2014).


About the flamethrower, yeah, I don't get it. Maybe, just maybe, because they were too lazy to code a weapon that doesn't shoot bullets/explosives and shoots flames instead, I guess.

Edited by Zodape
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Flamethrowers in free roam is one thing, in a DM or TDM, it would be a spamming disaster.

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Flamethrowers in free roam is one thing, in a DM or TDM, it would be a spamming disaster.

Just take an assault shotgun and imagine you are shooting flames at people.

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You dont think those weapons are coming in DLC's in the future?


I bet we will get a chainsaw and flamethrower ----eventually.

I mean think about had we had those things already.....you would be complaining that there are no new weapons.


Use the sh*t we have now and when we get a chainsaw you can pull it out on me and i kill you with my Carbine have the chainsaw fall on you and dismember you as your head bleeds out.

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I'm not going to disagree. I use my Carbine more than anything, only maps I use the Assault Shotgun on are Symmetry, Vinewood Kills, and the Maze, extreme close quarters. But the flamethrower would be ridiculous, as far as free roam I wouldn't complain, I've already seen one modder in FR with a Heavy Sniper that had flamethrower characteristics to it.

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A Maned Wolf

Considering most of the guns in this game have near infinite range, getting into melee range or flamethrower range would be a tall order.

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Flamethrowers in free roam is one thing, in a DM or TDM, it would be a spamming disaster.

I think the mini gun would laugh at the flamethrower since it has further range.. ;)

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GTA is getting more realistic. Having those weapons will turn the sadistic level much higher. Remember, GTA is not Manhunt or God of War. GTA is trying to bring a breathing open world game that acts like our real town and world.


Don't say that PS2 GTAs can have gores and stuff and people are fine. PS2 era GTAs had ugly faced walking zombie (peds) models that you just want to burst their head off. It was very cartoony and unrealistic. I didn't even feel anything when blowing people up to pieces back in GTA3 for PC, which I would feel something if I blow people up in IV and V due to the more realistic models.

Edited by luisniko
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GTA is getting more realistic. Having those weapons will turn the sadistic level much higher. Remember, GTA is not Manhunt or God of War. GTA is trying to bring a breathing open world game that acts like our real town and world.


Don't say that PS2 GTAs can have gores and stuff and people are fine. PS2 era GTAs had ugly faced walking zombie (peds) models that you just want to burst their head off. It was very cartoony and unrealistic. I didn't even feel anything when blowing people up to pieces back in GTA3 for PC, which I would feel something if I blow people up in IV and V due to the more realistic models.

Oh come on, stop with the bullsh*t, Realism? in a game that has UFO's, an arcadey dumbed down driving and special abilities for each character? Oh and molotovs...

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