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How i work in GTA ONLINE


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Ok so if im cruising around free roam and someone kills me I kill them five times if they are friendly I protect them from people trying to kill him I give every1 one chance and 1 only let me know how you work :)

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Groundbreaking thread, OP. Seriously, I'm bookmarking this one.

Edited by UnicornAssassin
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Jolly Swagman

OP is Captain Planet


Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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Ok so if im cruising around free roam and someone kills me I kill them five times if they are friendly I protect them from people trying to kill him I give every1 one chance and 1 only let me know how you work :)

Good for you?


At least you didn't ask me to like, comment or subscribe

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OP is OP.


Nerf him pls.

Edited by StewNorth
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Ok so if im cruising around free roam and someone kills me I kill them five times if they are friendly I protect them from people trying to kill him I give every1 one chance and 1 only let me know how you work :)

Another softy?? I read another thread where some guy was a softy....


If someone kills me for no reason... I relentlessly kill them, I kill them until they leave or I get bored.... which I rarely get bored.......

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how i work?


i see you getting close real fast , i shot you, set your car on fire so you have to pay the insurance and keep on with whatever i was doing, if you start chasing me, its full on grief til you leave the server!

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I was handing around in FM and went into a gang attack with my snow Mesa I modded in for fun.


Two other players were doing the gang attack, then when it was over, they all just ran around, then I just sat there and let this one guy shoot me.


I later went driving around after one for fun and he started shooting so I mauled him like a tiger and blew up his car.


I looked and he was rank 19 so I just went elsewhere.


I'm not going to repeatedly kill someone that's at a much lower disadvantage than me unless they come after me after I give them their warning kill.

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I wake up at 6am, shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, put on my nicest pantsuit, grab my suitcase and drive off to Cluckin' Bell and make chicken patties until 7pm.

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Lee Everett

Well then...

Edited by Lee Everett
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Hists Confirmed

This one time, I f*cked a cow in the ass without his consent.


Rancid? Incredibly. But entirely worth it.

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This one time, I f*cked a cow in the ass without his consent.


Rancid? Incredibly. But entirely worth it.

No fisting?

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OP is Captain Planet



Captain Planet doesn't kill people.


OP isn't Captain Planet.


I am now disappoint.



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Jolly Swagman



OP is Captain Planet


Captain Planet doesn't kill people.


OP isn't Captain Planet.


I am now disappoint.



Captain Planet is an eco-terrorist who wants to kill everyone on earth. How else is he going to achieve his goal of bringing "pollution down to zero"?


Remember that dude in that show whose power was "heart"? That was the lamest power ever.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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OP is Captain Planet


Captain Planet doesn't kill people.


OP isn't Captain Planet.


I am now disappoint.



Captain Planet is an eco-terrorist who wants to kill everyone on earth. How else is he going to achieve his goal of bringing "pollution down to zero"?


Remember that dude in that show whose power was "heart"? That was the lamest power ever.



Nah, you don't understand the true power of Heart. Without Heart, Captain Planet wouldn't have had a mullet. Mullets in the 90s were OP!


Also captain pollution :lol:



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Hists Confirmed


This one time, I f*cked a cow in the ass without his consent.


Rancid? Incredibly. But entirely worth it.

No fisting?

Unfortunately, no.


Foreplay is against my religion. :/

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OP is Captain Planet


Captain Planet doesn't kill people.


OP isn't Captain Planet.


I am now disappoint.



at least you didn't get stuck with the heart ring :p

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If it moves, shoot it.

If it doesn't move, shoot it 'til it moves.


Just like Errol Flynn...

Edited by KnobCheez
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