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[PS3] Vehicle Requests/Duping (Part 2)


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Continued from Part 1





Welcome to the brand new home for all vehicle duping/modding requests and discussion on PS3!

This thread is specifically for vehicle modding and duping requests, discussions on the topic, and it is a place for the generous members of our community that wish to fill these requests to chat on the topic and find people that can help them to dupe a vehicle or complete another vehicle duping related task. Keep the discussion on the topic of modding and duping cars, please, and remember that this is the thread for PS3 users.

Rules of the thread:


Failure to follow these rules could result in this thread being locked once again and punishments being handed out by mods.

  • No INSULTING other members of GTAF.
  • No You Tube posts at all
  • Max of 2 photos are allowed, rest to be put in spoilers per post.
  • No Dissing of Moderators(You try being a moderator for a site this big)
  • Posts only relating to duping is allowed, strictly no off topics we got a thread for that.
  • Being Impatient with a request, may result in it not being done and blocked by the person doing the request

List Of Unique Storable Cars thanks to NikkoCharger

Tips on having someone fill your request:

1: Be PATIENT sometimes, things go wrong and the duper cannot get to you as promised. Things happen maybe person he's helping is having trouble so can't get to you as promised. Nothing worse than seeing someone bad mouth a person who's got a great rep of helping.

2. Be nice, quick, courteous, and thankful to the duper/vehicle modder.

The Messiah Method
(who is the Messiah, not me but some know him, some don't and it may stay that way)

Spawning any cars that can be stored.

  • Have a full garage
  • Take out a car that has insurance out of the garage
  • Get in the passenger seat of the car that you requested, when I get out the car should be yours.
  • Wait about 3 seconds, then drive into your garage, if you are booted out, just wait for it to be spawned again and repeat step 3.
  • Just to make sure, use the garage management in the garage to swap the car to a dif spot then leave session either to sp or another session(do not get booted from the dupe session as then you won't be able to come back if you have another request.
  • Indicate if you are wanting a spawn or a respray

(After respray, crash car take to lsc, repair leave lsc put in garage, leave session)






Bring your own car

Name Of Combo




RGB/Hex Code

Type Of Plate

Name On Plate (max 8 letters/numbers)





Smoke(can give rgb code)


Full Modded or not

Window Colour (pure black and Green are the only ones can do apart from whats avail at lsc)

(Read the messiah method)

Name of car

Max of 3 cars per request

Strictly no color combo




Space Docker
Clown Van
Deludamol Van
Lost Gang Burrito
Lost Slamvan
Sprunk Van
Merryweather Dilettante
McGill & Olsen Bison
All of the boats
All of the planes, jets, helicopters, cargobob,
All military vehicles, Including vehicles from Pegasus
All Police and Emergency Vehicles
All Industrial vehicles
All Commercial Vehicles
All Snow Vehicles
All Service Vehicles including:
All buses
Trashmaster 1&2
All Utility Vehicles including:
Taco van
Large/Small Utility Truck
Large/Small Tow Truck
Rusty Tractor
Fixter (bicycle)

We have a fine community, will have bumps along the road but most important if we respect each other things will be fine. There is a report button for a reason, use it and the matter is usually dealt with quickly and won't result in a locked thread.

Combo Galleries

I think all of us owes a giant thank you to Capital_Vee for making the dupe method that was being used a lot easier it latest 2 updates

I would like to thank all the ones that are duping or helping keep this thread alive and well take a bow.

Special thanks to Sugar Free Nos, for his help with the layout.

We are now open officially enjoy and lets go for 1000 more.

The old thread forever be in our memories



Q: Why did the rims change colour when I said to leave as i
A: Cause when I change the prim or secondary colour on the car, whatever the colour the rim was on the tool will now be the colour of your rim

Q: Hey I asked you to change the colour but it's the same/Or it changed back when i went into LSC
A: Yea it changes for me, and sometimes you won't see, or I won't see it change back, no biggie just txt me and say it reverted back etc and i will just press a few buttons and be back to how you want it.

Q: Why do you want my psn all the time when I have you added.
A: I have so many on my fl, that I can't remember all of you so to help me get to you quicker give psn then I won't need to pm or delete your request due to having no time to figure it out.

Q: I added you but you haven't shown up on my fl.
A: Well then clear ya fl out or sign out and in so I show up. If you just added me give it 5 mins if I ain't showing up sign out and in.

Q: My god it didn't save
A: You sure you followed the steps in the first post of the thread? If you did then ya know what sh*t happens wait for nxt shop to open. If not well ain't my prob you can't follow the procedure.

Q: Why are you an arsehole or grumpy, or a dickhead
A: Eh well it's just me, plus you try doing requests and having some not know what they doing etc you get the same way too

Q: Is there anything I can do to help
A: Yea learn how things work by reading the first page

Q: Hey your work is awesome, can I donate to you
A: It is not expected at all but if you insisting then a 10.00 us psn card will do.

Q: Why are the mods wankers for
A: Nah they ain't wankers or anything, it's a tough job moderating they want this thread to be all about duping we have a offtopic thread now

Q: Do you do account recoveries
A: Kind of not allowed to say that we do well not openly some do offer them but just know that you are trusting them with your info.

Q: Help I got no money, give me money give me money/Can you give me money
A: I been known to throw a few mil here and there, but as soon as I am asked then you can bet you ain't got a sh*t show of getting any and more likely to be put on fire and kicked out of session.


Q: Hey the car didn't have insurance on it.

A: Eh so what, why didn't you damn check if it had insurance just press down arrow in the garage next to car if it don't have insurance then get some in a priv session just to be safe.

Q: Who is the Messiah
A: For me to know and you to figure out.

Q: Are you a male or female
A: Damn you tess damn you to hell.


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The ps3 thread is getting a reboot. Dev was chosen to hold the op but they want 1,000 pages first on the original thread and it's close so there is a delay.


To everyone else: "reserved" posts will be removed so don't bother.

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i would like to get a comet . feltzer or vacca in this RGB. with matching smoke. sh*ts gonna look bonkers. promise

If you can't get one I'll do one for you
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Can anyone do a ten car request no supers or anything like that

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its because Ikues gold is kinda bullsh*t it only looks good when you take a photo of it with the weed filter on the phone, im looking for one that looks good just driving round on a sunny day

would someone please send me a car file with the golden chrome? no matter how many times i try it never looks like ikues photos lol, there has gotta be a secret :p

or if someone could give me exact instructions on how to make it,
every time it turns out like this


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its because Ikues gold is kinda bullsh*t it only looks good when you take a photo of it with the weed filter on the phone, im looking for one that looks good just driving round on a sunny day


would someone please send me a car file with the golden chrome? no matter how many times i try it never looks like ikues photos lol, there has gotta be a secret :p


or if someone could give me exact instructions on how to make it,

every time it turns out like this





i would be more than happy to bring that in for you if you would like it, but sadly its a little chrome-ish. send me a message on psn: lord-nobleman if you would like

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graphite/frost white as pearl



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hey hentai did you know need a prison bus is almost one of them, a south islander, he's from wellington


I swear most of this thread is NZ and AUS lol

I'm at weasel apt n had a 100% success rate solo first time but with the cheetah 25 times on mission screen when I back out puts me at mission miles away. Will try again later.

if you need any help I can watch the car for you

psn: lord-nobleman

Cheers mate will holler at ya later if ur on 👍
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wurbs if your cheetah is colours that aren't rgb i can make you one, then watch for ya.

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meet the "Mutant Roosevelt":




bossin this sh*t! sh*ts gonna mutate in front of your eyes!!!

this car looks TITTS! must see in person. sh*t is holographic. swear

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Biohazard Abyss

graphite/frost white as pearl




Utility Black Poly w/Pure White pearl is real nice too



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graphite/frost white as pearl




Utility Black Poly w/Pure White pearl is real nice too




I do agree it looks better


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Can anyone do a ten car request no supers or anything like that


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Can anyone do a ten car request no supers or anything like that



I thought lokdog has your back on that one, i tell ya what, flick me a pm, with 5 cars and whatever you want, now it is cap v method and i can't do rgb colors

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Can anyone do a ten car request no supers or anything like that


Umm if no one gets to you in 3 hours ill get you your 10 cars. Sorry I'm at work now

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this RGB is the BEST green to get HOLY sh*t BALLZ!!! Pics on the way

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util black poly/police blue as pearl


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wurbs if your cheetah is colours that aren't rgb i can make you one, then watch for ya.

Yeah mate they r RGB that's cool beers n pizza now so I will have another go later thx everyone who replied.

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nick oh nick, he just plays the game, just when ya think ya gots him beat he throws his trump card :p

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That exhaust pipe looks so unnatural there on that car xD oh and wtf is that red car behind it is it a gt stinger with no roof?!?

util black poly/police blue as pearl


Edited by need_prison_bus
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Bishop Nehru

another big shout out to biggkatt for helping store his amazing jester in my garage. it was a big pain in the butt tho. is it me or capt vee method is getting a little trickier. it might just be me that sucks at the method lol. anyways thank you so much biggkatt for these awesome colors man





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