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So rockstar hires cheap actors, cheap music , cheap penis and make bil


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Shark goddamn cards really rockstar why not dolphin cards , dolphins are more appealing not to mention it can grab the female consumer they love that dolphin sh*t

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That was an observation that you made OP. Why not reward yourself by buying a Shark Card?

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"Laces Out!!"

"I said Laces Out, Dan"

Edited by Malibu454
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Shark goddamn cards really rockstar why not dolphin cards , dolphins are more appealing not to mention it can grab the female consumer they love that dolphin sh*t

What's wrong with these little fella's?



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Quote from website:

"They try to rape and drown people; they gang rape their females and sometimes hold them hostages for weeks; they murder baby porpoises for fun; they kill the babies of rival male dolphins, because as soon as her child dies, a female dolphin is ready to be raped and impregnated immediately."

Dolphins are the biggest assholes of the sea.


I tried to link a video of dolphin rape but now I've just seen 3 dolphins f*ck one another and i'm going to bed now. This has been a mistake.

Edited by livejoker
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Quote from website:


"They try to rape and drown people; they gang rape their females and sometimes hold them hostages for weeks; they murder baby porpoises for fun; they kill the babies of rival male dolphins, because as soon as her child dies, a female dolphin is ready to be raped and impregnated immediately."


Dolphins are the biggest assholes of the sea.




I tried to link a video of dolphin rape but now I've just seen 3 dolphins f*ck one another and i'm going to bed now. This has been a mistake.

rockstar rapes you with the money you get with these prices so it fits
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Not sure if troll, or a serious discussion with a misleading title....

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Hi! I'm a new user here. I made my account just to say this:


Cheap music my balls. OP is a noob. Most of the music (especially the "chasing" music) comes from the masters from Tangerine Dream, namely Edgar Froese. He composed this jewel for the game:

And Tangerine Dream is a legendary band:




If you don't know who they are, or still won't recognize their epicness, I beg you OP to stop listening to Justin Beaver and cheap rap.




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no sh*t, i don't care for tangerine dream at all but i didn't know the soundtrack was theirs.

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Not entirely theirs, but they are part of a collaboration between artists. If you hear a couple of TD albums, and then listen to the background music during police chases and missions, you will identify TD's electronic influence.

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Because if they named them dolphin cards, the shark card ad parody on in-game radio stations wouldn't make any f*ckin' sense.

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