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Ive lost interest in everything. So if you see a guy in a metallic Bl


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Some guy gave me millions in a race and Ive lost interest in rp at rank 76. I want the extra weapons, but hell if im gonna farm jobs for an eternity to get them when Ive used most of them already in deathmatches etc...


So the only thing left to do is try and tbone anyone that is within reach. Usually I find a great intersection where the race has to lap through 2 or 3 times in a lap. I have to admit its not easy annihilating most of you, but damn when I get that full race pile up, its as rewarding as finishing an every man for himself deathmatch.s


Ill see you at the crossroads friends.

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Jolly Swagman

That was some great use of your time there creating a forums account just so you can tell us all your very cool story.

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Is this The Guy?

What is the full title supposed to read?

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So since you already have an edge against other players, you can be an asshole because of your precious guns?

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Another thread where I read OP's comment...and I have no idea what's going on...so I read the other comments to help fill in the gaps...and...I still haven't a clue what's going on...

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Hahahaha, your account is even called the intersection man. I can't be mad at you for wasting space with a useless thread, this is actually pretty good. Intersection man... hahahahaha..

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The Lonesome Drifter

Your complaining that leveling up takes to long? Surely you jest.


I reached level 50 within a week of playing, then lost him due to the October character loss glitches (plus he had 300K in hand, and this was before the Resell glitch mind you). And I got my second character up to level 50 in another week without even trying.


And now with 4k rep per RR session you can fly up the level list faster than big smoke can eat 2 number 9's from cluckin bell, so stop wasting time here and go level up if u want weapons and an almost unnoticeable health boost.


Jesus, I could have leveled up to 139 in the time it's taken to post this :S

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Another thread where I read OP's comment...and I have no idea what's going on...so I read the other comments to help fill in the gaps...and...I still haven't a clue what's going on...


Allow me to translate. I have taken a course in reading fluent idiot.


OP is bored due to glitching their way to millions some random giving them millions in a race. Now they sit in races that have an intersection and t-bone other players. They are at rank 76 and are too lazy to rank up anymore.

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Aww, so cute! So cute in fact, probably gonna report for stupidity, and waste.

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Some guy gave me millions in a race and Ive lost interest in rp at rank 76. I want the extra weapons, but hell if im gonna farm jobs for an eternity to get them when Ive used most of them already in deathmatches etc...


So the only thing left to do is try and tbone anyone that is within reach. Usually I find a great intersection where the race has to lap through 2 or 3 times in a lap. I have to admit its not easy annihilating most of you, but damn when I get that full race pile up, its as rewarding as finishing an every man for himself deathmatch.s


Ill see you at the crossroads friends.



The good times are gonna roll again in Southern San Andreas :lol:


I do hope it's real, though.

Edited by Barrago
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OP, I'll treat you like a placemat at Denny's.

Take it from a Rank 130, ex-billionaire, Bounty Hunter, Team Carrier, Equalizer, Widow Maker, Bloodiest of the Bunch and Head Banger, all while working on my Slayer award.

So yeah I'm really scared of that intersection of yours.

Edited by Day Reaper
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Another thread where I read OP's comment...and I have no idea what's going on...so I read the other comments to help fill in the gaps...and...I still haven't a clue what's going on...

Allow me to translate. I have taken a course in reading fluent idiot.


OP is bored due to glitching their way to millions some random giving them millions in a race. Now they sit in races that have an intersection and t-bone other players. They are at rank 76 and are too lazy to rank up anymore.

Why thank you kind sir. Never heard of being gifted millions in a race before...odd.

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