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How Would You Re-order the Car Classes?


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A lot of the inclusions in the car classes make absolutely zero sense as they are currently constructed. Also I Rockstar is too worried about car performance, being scared that a car might be "too good" for it's respective class, so they just stick them in the Sports class where they never get used. I wouldn't be worried about a couple of cars dominating a class, because everyone already uses the same cars anyways. Here is what I would change:




Albany Alpha ---> Coupes

Bravado Buffalo ---> Muscle (on a trial basis, move back to Sports if too overpowered)

Benefactor Feltzer ---> Coupes

Schyster Fusilade ---> Coupes

Karin Futo ---> Sports Classics or Compacts

Dewbauchee Rapid GT ---> Coupes

Benefactor Schwartzer ---> Coupes


I think the Alpha, Feltzer, and Rapid GT would provide some good competition at the top of the Coupe class, they would be in a class they more closely identify with, and they would actually get some use in races for a change. Sports is dominated by better cars and Coupes is dominated by the Exemplar, which isn't even a Coupe in any way, shape, or form.





Dewbauchee Exemplar ---> Sedans

Lampadati Felon ---> Sedans

Ocelot Jackal ---> Sedans

Ubermacht Oracle ---> Sedans





Chariot Romero Hearse ---> Vans

Dundreary Stretch ---> Vans





Declasse Rancher XL ---> SUVs

Maibatsu Sanchez ---> Motorcycles





Vapid Sadler ---> Vans





Brute Boxville ---> Utility

Brute Camper ---> Utility

Zirconium Journey ---> Utility



That's how I would switch everything up. I think it makes way more sense from a common sense perspective and also from a racing perspective. What would you change?

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So, the Feltzer and Fusilade must be coupe's and all the coupe's are sedans now? Ehr, okay.

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Is this The Guy?

Wow @ rapid gt and feltzer being in coupes.

Edited by Thisguyherenow
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So, the Feltzer and Fusilade must be coupe's and all the coupe's are sedans now? Ehr, okay.


because half of the cars in the current Couple class are actually 4 door sedans...it makes no sense.

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Jolly Swagman

I think Adders should be in compact

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How is a limo a van?


Edited by Polish_Trucker
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I think Adders should be in compact


nope only chradders should be in compact, all other paint styles stay in Super

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I'd put my Coil Voltic in to Sports Cars, where it belongs.

Edited by BigBrother67
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I'd put my Coil Voltic in to Sports Cars, where it belongs.

OP where would you put the Sultan RS?


I like the Sultan RS where it is now in Sports. It doesn't fit in any of the other classes. Now if there was a tuner class, that would be cool.

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Jolly Swagman


I think Adders should be in compact


nope only chradders should be in compact, all other paint styles stay in Super


Is that because chadders are normally crushed into a much smaller size by other players?

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Wow @ rapid gt and feltzer being in coupes.


Rapid GT is literally the definition of a coupe. Feltzer and Fusilade fit the definition of a coupe exactly as well.

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That list is just awfully made imo.


It would severely damage the car aspect of the game.

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I think Adders should be in compact


nope only chradders should be in compact, all other paint styles stay in Super


Is that because chadders are normally crushed into a much smaller size by other players?



No, it's because people who drive chadders have a very compact weiner size.

That list is just awfully made imo.


It would severely damage the car aspect of the game.


lol what? how does it damage it? I guess you prefer it how it is now where half the cars in the game are in the Sports class and nobody even remembers they exist?

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Feltzers are one of the best cars for racing in the sports class after the elegy, and the alpha actually has a high top speed, just slower acceleration.

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OP, have you ever heard of four-door coupes?


Just google that and you will see a plethora of luxury 4 door cars classified as coupes. The Oracle, Felon, Exemplar, and Jackal belong in the coupes class - they would just dominate the sedans class.


Btw the only change I would make is to put the Alpha into the Coupes class. Feels sorta weird driving a sports car.

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Benefactor Feltzer ---> Coupes

Dewbauchee Exemplar ---> Sedans


Chariot Romero Hearse ---> Vans

Dundreary Stretch ---> Vans

Maibatsu Sanchez ---> Motorcycles

u wot m8??

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So a 1980's Toyota is a sports classic....

C'mon now, that lovely Karin Futo would fit right in with the Peyote, Monroe and Stinger. :lol:

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