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My first glitcher attack!


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(i'm not naming names and the persons responsible have been reported). Me and a friend where just driving a round in my dune buggy (forgotten the name) from the beach bum update. I saw these to players just getting in a chopper from robbing a store, So a ram them in my buggy for a laugh..and then shoot them down. I don't kill other players often in free roam unless they attack first (but i go on a little pvp session now and again). Anyways we shot them down and i'm driving along my friend left, And the next thing i know my buggy's gone :blink: so i'm like wtf!!! And the next thing i know i'm in the air..hovering i can't move or shoot or do nothing, so i commit suicide and i'm still hovering. Anybody else had a attack like this??

Edited by the_snake_ghost
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Sugar Free Nos



Much thread worthy


So share your story

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I will pwn you newbs

Nope but there was a garage glitcher in my garage today. Luckily I was in passive so he couldn't get me. That pussy just sat in the corner shooting people as they came down the elevator

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not every random glitch is a hacker you know.

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Nope but there was a garage glitcher in my garage today. Luckily I was in passive so he couldn't get me. That pussy just sat in the corner shooting people as they came down the elevator

when i find assholes doing the garage thing, i stay in passive, but block their line of fire while air thrusting so i can hopefully help someone from being killed

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You most likely fell through the floor. It happens, rarely, but it happens.

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so you decide to be an asshole and attack a random player that's minding his own business and your game glitches out so you report them for being a modder? cool story

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If only there was a pinned Share your Stories thread.


If only.


OP, this thread is pinned for a reason.

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