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PV in Survival?

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Last night I was playing survival (Boneyard) on my second lower rank character and just invited random people from a session. During the start of the first wave a person spawned into the survival with their personal vehicle.


During the intermission after the first wave I tried to get into it and sure enough it let me in and let me drive around within the boundaries...

I searched around on Se7enSins but couldn't find any information on it.


I was wondering if this is a known glitch that can be done or if it was just an accidental glitch of the game itself.



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1. Bring tank

2. Profit


This is what I was thinking last night when it happened... Bring in a tank and basically finish the survival in about 10 minutes. haha

Can you call the mechanic during a survival? I know you can in other missions. It may not be a glitch.


Have not tried this but I doubt it because if you try to enter any enemy vehicles it says "Cannot enter vehicles during survivals" or something along those lines.

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Biggie Kaniff

I've seen NPC cars (non-enemy) that are being driven and could be entered during a few different survivals. I've never seen a PV. It had to be an accidental game glitch, just like the NPCs that get caught up in one hell of a fire fight.


Yeah I've encountered this too. On Sandy survival some NPC drove by just as we spawned, so we shot her and took her car. It's rare though, only happened one time for me.

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Last night I was playing survival (Boneyard) on my second lower rank character and just invited random people from a session. During the start of the first wave a person spawned into the survival with their personal vehicle.


During the intermission after the first wave I tried to get into it and sure enough it let me in and let me drive around within the boundaries...

I searched around on Se7enSins but couldn't find any information on it.


I was wondering if this is a known glitch that can be done or if it was just an accidental glitch of the game itself.



If you know how to reproduce it, pm please. Blocking paths in Survival will make them easy as hell

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Well Survival is an unusual mission in that people can actually join the game already in progress. If you elect to join a specific friend you can join the mission he's in as a spectator. Because all spectators are respawned at the end of each wave. Its possible though unlikely you could finish a survival with a completey different set of players then you started with.


So the way to test this glitch would be two have a couple friends. One hosts the boneyard and after the game is already in progress his friend gets in his personal vehicle goes to the friend menu and selects his friend playing survival and joins.


I doubt it will work with a tank however. Personal vehicles come with you into regular missions, peagsus vehicles do not.

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