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One of the worst day for my country


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It was 2004, I was 10 years old and I was sleeping until my mom knocked on my bedroom’s door like she used to do everyday. “Wake up son; it’s time to get ready for school.” She said. I goy all my clothes and got ready. I headed downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. When I got there, my dad was petrified watching the TV while on the news channel they showed a crashed RENFE train. I asked my dad what was wrong. “There has been a terrorist attack in Madrid, four trains have exploded, ETA has done it again”. It was 8:30 A.M, after I finished breakfast, my dad drove to school.



Once I got there, I could see how everybody was talking about it, kids where arguing about if it was three or four trains that had exploded. While in class, our teacher that was from Madrid, told us; “Kids, I have to make some calls, I have family in Madrid and I want to make sure they are okay.” Lessons continued and at 4:00PM I got dismissed and as school finished I walked back home like I used to do everyday. People on the streets where talking about it, Taxi Drivers that where in a Taxi Stand, where all listening to the news.



When I got home, my mom sitting in front of the TV watching on the news how the number of victims increased minute by minute. Our news said this terrorist attack had been done by ETA Terrorists while they did denied that claim, while CNN International and other international channels were saying this was done by Al-Qaeda due to the presence of Spanish Soldiers in Iraq.



While people gathered on the streets of Madrid to protest the violence that supposedly ETA had done where 192 people had died, “The Spanish CIA” (Also known as CNI) was forcing the government to tell the truth about who did this and stop blayimg ETA since the Spanish Intelligence had found links and prove that they were Islamic Terrorists and not Basque Nationalists from ETA. The Government declined and still said it was ETA. Why did they do that? Basically so the party ruling the country at the time could win again the elections.



While the Press started telling the truth, about who actually did the terrorist attack, the CNI was working hard to catch the suspect terrorist that had planned the massacre. They found out where they were hidden and, on March 13th, the Spanish SWAT (GEOS) were sent to an apartment building in Leganes, Madrid. When the GEOS where ordered to enter the building, the terrorists blew themselves up, Killing a GEOS police officer in service for the first time in the GEOS history.



Most were captured, and are actually in Jail, but, all the damage they did to innocent civilians that were heading to work, to school, to see their boyfriend, wife, kids… Cannot be replaced.

Nunca os olvidaremos DEP




The ones who got into that last train...


We will never froget...

Edited by SouthLand
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Why are you bringing up this ?


Because today's the 10 year anniversary of the Madrid train bombings.


It's bittersweet that most of those who committed the bombings were brought to justice, but that will never make up for the lives they took.

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Why are you bringing up this ?

Today is the 10th anniversay of the attack.



I remember that day being at school, the first hour just before classes started up. A friend was crying as some family member of her apparently was in one of the trains.


Speaking about that day with my mother she told that there was a lot of confusion as nobody knew exactly who had been the authors. It was normal to think that ETA terrorist group was behind, but it wasn't their "style" as they used to warn before attacking. It finally turned out that they were islamic terrorists.


It pisses me off how there's still some sector bringing up the tragedy and trying to blame ETA for political purposes...


RIP to all the victims.

Edited by RoadRunner71
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I remember this,already 10 years has passed. Rest In Peace for all victims and hope that such a horrors won't keep happenind in the future.

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A tragic but necessary reminder, R.I.P victims of the bombing, and greetings to you,hermano.

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Man, 10 years ago already? Time seems to fly by quick.


No offense though, but Spain doesn't really seem to be the most rail-friendly country out there, what with this and then that guy who flipped his train over because he was texting last year IIRC.

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i was 13 years old but i remember this. turkish television showed it. i remember thinking wow weird. terrorist attacks happen in europe too?

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and may the victims rest in peace.

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It's sad how things that happen like this in America spread world wide. I have never heard of these bombings until today. I am glad these terrorist f*cks are rotting away in prison.

f*ck coward terrorist's.

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It's sad how things that happen like this in America spread world wide. I have never heard of these bombings until today. I am glad these terrorist f*cks are rotting away in prison.


f*ck coward terrorist's.


Wow, really this is the first time you heard of this? I thought that most people would of a least heard about it in some capacity over the years.


This video still shocks me to this day.


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yep first time. I honestly avoid things like this though, because I know how often they happen in other countries and the scale of damage it does... plus the media just feeds off this sh*t, which really pisses me off. Without the media and publicity, these terrorist would never attack innocents. (well, they might, but it damn sure would not feed them like it does now). That is the point of these attacks, to go so public a country feels the need to take militant actions.

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It's too bad that not all anniversaries are for good things.


Time may heal all wounds, but sometimes there are still scares left as reminders.

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Man, 10 years ago already? Time seems to fly by quick.


No offense though, but Spain doesn't really seem to be the most rail-friendly country out there, what with this and then that guy who flipped his train over because he was texting last year IIRC.


Texting + speeding... He killed innocent civilians and he got sentenced to a lot of years in jail... What an idiot seriously.


i was 13 years old but i remember this. turkish television showed it. i remember thinking wow weird. terrorist attacks happen in europe too?


Spain has had a lot of terrorism, 99% was from ETA. Here is all the attacks the have done: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ETA_attacks





This guy, was a former police officer who was shot dead in the middle of an important Avenue in Barcelona called "Diagonal Av." He was on duty and while he was waiting for his partner he saw a car that stalled twice. The driver and the only passenger stepped away from the car to check the engine. This police officer came close asking them if they needed any help The driver and the passenger (Both ETA terrorists) fired at him and he got shot in the head dying immediately. He was married and, his son played with me on my town's football team.

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Just goes to show all acts of terrorism are equally cowardly. Look at the men who ran over a soldier in Woolwich, London, then attempted to decapitate him because "they wanted the public to see consequences of soldiers barbarous acts" and of course "for their god". The pair wanted the killing to be as public as possible.

Edited by iiGh0STt
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Man, This is pretty sh*tty, Let's just hope it doesn't happen again.


Sadly, I've never heard about this, as I was 8 and it happened on the other side of the Planet.

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