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(PS3) Deathmatches on Youtube


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Currently I only have three of my twenty odd DMs on Youtube


Better with owned and pickups and alot of people

Link to add job: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/themckeever/games/gtav/jobs/job/LHEx0ojjkk-IpKunMI0hbw?platformId=2






The less people the better, good to settle scores

Link to add job: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/themckeever/games/gtav/jobs/job/JNsUWd7VBU2CnY91fwywBg?platformId=2






Smallest map, great for Free-For-All, even better in free-aim

Link to add job: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/themckeever/games/gtav/jobs/job/I5-s-sHrXUKZWE3-m8T_gw?platformId=2



Big thanks to my mate Buster for recording and uploading these for me, also big shout out to handcuff_charlie and all the other creators that are making high-quality jobs.


Link to all my jobs: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/themckeever/games/gtav/jobs

5750 Plays on 37 Jobs ATM

Edited by TheMckeever
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  • 2 weeks later...

Started this thread to see if theres anybody else whos put their jobs on YouTube. Linkz plz......

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Eventually I may break down and just get whatever device it is that I need to record gameplay myself.


Haven't ran any DM's with you in a while man, I get your invites all the time but for about a week now I keep getting all kinds of messages saying that I cannot join. Not just you but just about anyone.


At best it says I can spectate, but I get the bug where you spawn frozen and invisible in mid air. Usually it either spits me back to my session, says the job is no longer active, says invites are closed (wtf?), or game is full. This is even when I join immediately after receiving the invite. So I basically quit accepting invites until the next patch or I see something to indicate it has been addressed/fixed.

Edited by handcuff_charlie
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