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Character Wheel Glitch Is Back?!


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well i was playing last night and while i was battling with this 2 guys, a level 17 offered to help me, he then started an endless respawn flash...


blinking while simply walking toward the enemy

and killing them.


the guys simply quit and so did i, in disgust about this glitch.


couple minutes ago, i was walking to a ammunation when 2 guys drove pass me hile their car flashed...


i dont know if the glitch is done like in the past, all i know is that this annoying cheap glitch seem to be making a come back...


didnt have my potato aka phone on hand to take a video, so dont "video or gtfo" me...

Edited by CarimboHanky
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I'll have to test this out. Give me until Friday. I still have finals week going on.

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I have a hard time trusting anyone in a dunce cap but this may be legit.

last night i was posted on top of a bldg and looking thru my heavy sniper scope. i could see a pest in the distance doing work with a mini gun and blowing everyone up.

i could see the fire of his mini gun but couldnt actully see him. and i mean i could see the bullet traces as well as the flames from the end of the gun. i couldnt get a hit on him for the life of me.

not sure if he was glitching or just wasnt rendering but i wasnt that far away.

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oooh come on i stated that i didnt have my phone to take a video or pic...


after all what i earn by making up something like this?


anyway i just wanted to let you guys know that there maybe a different method to achieve this glitch...


you would remember this when you see it yourself!

Edited by CarimboHanky
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oooh come on i stated that i didnt have my phone to take a video or pic...


after all what i earn by making up something like this?


anyway i just wanted to let you guys know that there maybe a different method to achieve this glitch...


you would remember this when you see it yourself!

Oh I believe you dude.


I haven't seen anyone else complain about this (might have missed it). It's all about bitching about the Freezes on R* support... which is likely due to antique hardware, failing hardware (laser // HD) or maybe it is the coding... funny how I have never had a freeze on multiple PS3s running different versions of the game (Disc vs Digital vs emulated disc).


Either what you seen was misleading... the glitch is pretty private right now... or something else who knows, maybe a R* employee is pissed about the users getting their pitch forks over R* supporting hackers while banning the hacker's subscribers.

Edited by Jyra
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Why the hell would the OP even lie about this? It's not even lie worthy.. To all you vids/pics or gtfo kids here

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I've seen this a few times, but not all that much. Personally, the people I see it happen to appear as if they weren't even trying to do it, seeing as they never really abused it and were just like 'wtf'; and was just a lucky/unlucky accident.


Much like crashing your plane into a garage while someone is in it sorta deal. The garage becomes engorged with flames. :panic:

Edited by FatalPhantomAce
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I've seen this a few times, but not all that much. Personally, the people I see it happen to appear as if they weren't even trying to do it, seeing as they never really abused it and were just like 'wtf'; and was just a lucky/unlucky accident.


i dont man, i mean it was me battling against 2 150+ level players, and there comes this level 17 with his micro smg, walking toward them, flashing, while they unload their miniguns on him as he simply kill them.


without doubt he knew what he was doing.


its may not be wide spread as before, but it only takes one youtubewhore to find out the new method and upload video, before this get out there full force.

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Special Agent 25

Thought they fixed it, had it happen to me few times last year, not happened again after that so i assumed they fixed it.. Obviously haven't..


Edit: Think mine is a different glitch...

Edited by L5B4LIF3
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You quit in disgust of the glitch yet last week you made a thread (or post) about how fun it was for you to piss people off using the Garage Glitch? Oh I see, as long as you're doing the glitch and its not happening to you, it's cool?

Edited by The_Mossberg500
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You quit in disgust of the glitch yet last week you made a thread (or post) about how fun it was for you to piss people off using the Garage Glitch? Oh I see, as long as you're doing the glitch and its not happening to you, it's cool?

yes, i did a post laughing at the fact that people can get killed in their garage, i said i would try it, never said i actually did the glitch myself, anyway doing something unusual like killing someone inside of a safe place like the garage, you have to accept thats a funny thing...


there is nothing funny about this respawn glitch, i think its a cheap glitch, even worst when used in a battle.


you can search all my post and there is one thing you would find... i always condemn the use of any god mode type of glitch.


i grief/spawnkill but ill never do that while having the unfair advantage of a glitch.

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Yesterday I saw a bunch of dots blinking in a session. I told my brothers and we were saying we should go to a new one since it look like invincible people were back. Then a little later my one brother gets killed and his dot stayed blinking. But only I could see it blinking, my other brother said it wasn't.

Edited by casualchaos
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I use it back then. It's like Passive mode, if Passive mode was actually useful.


Used it a lot, heh.

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I use it back then. It's like Passive mode, if Passive mode was actually useful.


Used it a lot, heh.

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