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Who are these people?

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The majority of people on this forum seem to be in agreement that Jumps, Jumps, Jumps, LS Forum, Prison Thugz Fight and various other R* 'Verified' content is ball-achingly poor and repetitive to play, yet these are the lobbies that continually pop up when trying to join a quick race or death match. Who are these people constantly hosting these things and why?


It's like Prison Records and Down The Drain a few months ago although I realise that most people were playing those simply to grind cash and XP. Where is the fun though? I just don't get it.

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The majority of people on this forum seem to be in agreement that Jumps, Jumps, Jumps, LS Forum, Prison Thugz Fight and various other R* 'Verified' content is ball-achingly poor and repetitive to play, yet these are the lobbies that continually pop up when trying to join a quick race or death match. Who are these people constantly hosting these things and why?


It's like Prison Records and Down The Drain a few months ago although I realise that most people were playing those simply to grind cash and XP. Where is the fun though? I just don't get it.


morons and children....

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People enjoy different things to you, forum posters only make up a minority of people who play games, and even those people on forums who like those jobs would avoid saying so because you know how nasty nerds get when other nerds like things they don't like.

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People enjoy different things to you, forum posters only make up a minority of people who play games, and even those people on forums who like those jobs would avoid saying so because you know how nasty nerds get when other nerds like things they don't like.


I understand wanting a bit variety. The first time I played Jumps Jumps Jumps and PTF I didn't mind them, something a bit different to break things up, but to just repeat them over and over at the expense of everything else (other games that require some skill for example) is just weird to me.

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with fear of sounding like all the whiners and complainers... it seems like almost every TDM i get is prison thugz and i f*ckin hate it.

if the lag wasnt so bad, it might be a little better but jesus hell why does that seem like the only one out there...

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with fear of sounding like all the whiners and complainers... it seems like almost every TDM i get is prison thugz and i f*ckin hate it.

if the lag wasnt so bad, it might be a little better but jesus hell why does that seem like the only one out there...


Yeah, I'm not judging or name-calling the people that do it, I'm just truly at a loss to understand what they get out of playing this s*** over and over.

Edited by Milesinho
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with fear of sounding like all the whiners and complainers... it seems like almost every TDM i get is prison thugz and i f*ckin hate it.

if the lag wasnt so bad, it might be a little better but jesus hell why does that seem like the only one out there...

whats worse say you join a dm you get PTF ok so now your like fuk PTF im leaving the lobby,you leave so now your outside the prison,you join another dm,you end up were? at PTF again lol its like a vortex you cant escape unless you find a new session and start over,i swear i got that map 5 times in a row once fukn terrible

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Deathmatch is a joke now due to the new update where enemies appear on radar if in line of sight, so you shouldn't be trying to join deathmatches anyway :turn:

This is only a real problem if you're a sniper who needs more than two seconds to line up a shot. In every other circumstance it is fine.

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People enjoy different things to you, forum posters only make up a minority of people who play games, and even those people on forums who like those jobs would avoid saying so because you know how nasty nerds get when other nerds like things they don't like.


I understand wanting a bit variety. The first time I played Jumps Jumps Jumps and PTF I didn't mind them, something a bit different to break things up, but to just repeat them over and over at the expense of everything else (other games that require some skill for example) is just weird to me.




i know guy who must have clocked over 500 runs on the commute.... i got bored of seeing his invites nevermind running a no brake p2p race that many times, repeatedly, every day... i wouldnt mind him clocking 500 runs is he ever raced any other track, but no, loging, online, jobs. host, commute seemed to be hardwired into his muscle memory...

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Is it bad that i have played for 15 days but have never played the three that you mentioned? not even once.


Seen them on you tube before i got a chance to play, i really should try them for myself but it looks boring.


Keep it that way, save yourself ;)

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Biohazard Abyss

Is it bad that i have played for 15 days but have never played the three that you mentioned? not even once.


Seen them on you tube before i got a chance to play, i really should try them for myself but it looks boring.





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Is it bad that i have played for 15 days but have never played the three that you mentioned? not even once.


Seen them on you tube before i got a chance to play, i really should try them for myself but it looks boring.






You were right about the Schafter so i will give it a go :^:

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The Angel King

Probably the same people who challenge you to a 1v1 death match when you kill them in free roam.

I see what you did there. I usually always challenge, but I never play those dumb maps more than once or twice. Only reason I challenge is because others flock to us when they see it get announced. I for one like being outnumbered. I feel it's more fair that way. Unless half the room grabs tanks...then it backfires a little.

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Biohazard Abyss

You were right about the Schafter so i will give it a go :^:



Prison Thugs and Jumps Jumps Jumps are good fun with friends. They're just REALLY wacky. Should not have been verified, but still can be a good time.

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Probably the same people who challenge you to a 1v1 death match when you kill them in free roam.

I see what you did there. I usually always challenge, but I never play those dumb maps more than once or twice. Only reason I challenge is because others flock to us when they see it get announced. I for one like being outnumbered. I feel it's more fair that way. Unless half the room grabs tanks...then it backfires a little.



I just think it is a pointless feature and, if you really want to revenge kill me, then you don't need a 1v1 death match to do it.


I killed a fellow over a crate last night, and he challenged me to one. And I was driving around in a Speedo so it isn't like I was getting away fast. :p

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Is it bad that i have played for 15 days but have never played the three that you mentioned? not even once.


Seen them on you tube before i got a chance to play, i really should try them for myself but it looks boring.

You need to play Prison Thugz at least to see just how terrible the majority of the community is. I guarantee, at least three quarters of the people in the average PTF lobby has SWAG, YOLO, WEED or MP3 as their crew, they will all be screaming down the mic, and thats just before you begin. Once the match starts, everyone lags into the middle, with the game losing control of everything, everyones punches blurring into a painful whirlpool of strikes and instakills.


But it gets worse. Someone will get into the bus. They will run down about 5 people(4 of whom are their teammates) before being dragged out. Then they get dragged out. Then again. And again. This continues for the remainder of the match, which has probably been set to 60 minutes and unlimited kills. Only when you have done this, can you truly understand hell.


I just stress, I dont actually mind the races that were added, they add a bit of novelty into a long race stint. But whoever verified PTF, Saving Ryans Privates and Seal Team Six has a special place reserved for them in hell.

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The 1v1 deathmatch is pretty useless,it doesn't make you immune to other player that are not involved and when you win,the person will still try to kill you.So,what's the point?

About the verified stuff,it is not interesting enough to play.Such as,jump,jumps,jumps,it takes no skill.All you need to do is just mash down the accelaration and it's only a race to see who has the faster car.Not challenging,not turns,not fun.When i try to join a race,this shows up,i wish we can turn off R* verified in settings.

Edited by Kowai7108
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Who are these people constantly hosting these things and why?

In my experience, I've joined a Quick Race only to selected as host, with a full lobby of players already in. When I realize that I'm the host, I just keep the settings as they are, figuring that's what people want. When this has happened, it's always been LS Forum, JJJ, or Commute, or Jump & Die.


And for the record, I don't mind JJJ because it's quick, tho payout is low. The Commute is deceptively long and seems to always comes down to slipstreaming in that final stretch. Recently I joined an LS Forum race where the host set the laps to 99 (?) at the last moment. I lasted 10 laps before bailing.


Jump & Die can kiss my sorry Scottish rear. I despise that race.

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The answers have all been provided. Easy to win, lots of luck involved, little skill needed, earns rp and cash. Thats it in a nutshell. In a game where so many people would rather lsc glitch rinse repeat for a couple hours straight than actually play the game do you expect any less when it comes to driving or aiming or shooting or anything else?


I find it rather confusing why people would pay good money for games they don't want to play.

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The answers have all been provided. Easy to win, lots of luck involved, little skill needed, earns rp and cash. Thats it in a nutshell. In a game where so many people would rather lsc glitch rinse repeat for a couple hours straight than actually play the game do you expect any less when it comes to driving or aiming or shooting or anything else?


I find it rather confusing why people would pay good money for games they don't want to play.


Me too. Surely though the game's been out for so long that most people don't need to still be grinding for money and RP?

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The Angel King



Probably the same people who challenge you to a 1v1 death match when you kill them in free roam.

I see what you did there. I usually always challenge, but I never play those dumb maps more than once or twice. Only reason I challenge is because others flock to us when they see it get announced. I for one like being outnumbered. I feel it's more fair that way. Unless half the room grabs tanks...then it backfires a little.



I just think it is a pointless feature and, if you really want to revenge kill me, then you don't need a 1v1 death match to do it.


I killed a fellow over a crate last night, and he challenged me to one. And I was driving around in a Speedo so it isn't like I was getting away fast. :p


It is pointless. Absolutely agree 100%. I do however, think you missed the point I was making in the other thread.

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The answers have all been provided. Easy to win, lots of luck involved, little skill needed, earns rp and cash. Thats it in a nutshell. In a game where so many people would rather lsc glitch rinse repeat for a couple hours straight than actually play the game do you expect any less when it comes to driving or aiming or shooting or anything else?


I find it rather confusing why people would pay good money for games they don't want to play.


Me too. Surely though the game's been out for so long that most people don't need to still be grinding for money and RP?



New people to the game?


People who like to splash cash? I spent half a million in free roam last night just f*cking around. :p

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The answers have all been provided. Easy to win, lots of luck involved, little skill needed, earns rp and cash. Thats it in a nutshell. In a game where so many people would rather lsc glitch rinse repeat for a couple hours straight than actually play the game do you expect any less when it comes to driving or aiming or shooting or anything else?


I find it rather confusing why people would pay good money for games they don't want to play.


Me too. Surely though the game's been out for so long that most people don't need to still be grinding for money and RP?



New people to the game?


People who like to splash cash? I spent half a million in free roam last night just f*cking around. :p



But where is everybody else? I understand that SOME people still want or feel the need to grind for cash or whatever but the point is that these events account for most of the joinable online races and death matches.

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The answers have all been provided. Easy to win, lots of luck involved, little skill needed, earns rp and cash. Thats it in a nutshell. In a game where so many people would rather lsc glitch rinse repeat for a couple hours straight than actually play the game do you expect any less when it comes to driving or aiming or shooting or anything else?


I find it rather confusing why people would pay good money for games they don't want to play.

Me too. Surely though the game's been out for so long that most people don't need to still be grinding for money and RP?


New people to the game?


People who like to splash cash? I spent half a million in free roam last night just f*cking around. :p


But where is everybody else? I understand that SOME people still want or feel the need to grind for cash or whatever but the point is that these events account for most of the joinable online races and death matches.

Keyword there being "joinable". My crew races are all closed and done through freind invites. We race on challenging tracks with slip off catch off traffic off and getlemans rules.

I imagine most serious racing is done under similar circumstances.

Edited by LuapYllier
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