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will gta online live up to the hype?


will gta online redeem itself?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think GTA online will ever live up to the hype?

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Yes it will, but now's just the beginning so it's not gonna be that perfect

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Some people have/had hyped up the Online component to ridiculous proportions that no matter what Rockstar do, it'll never live up to.

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Is this The Guy?

It hasn't failed me so far so I believe it will.

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Tabula Rasa

When I saw the five in front of GTA I got pretty excited.

It's better than I expected and I enjoy it, it's like a new gta or something.

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Weird question. Hasn't it already lived up to the hype? How long do you want to wait to answer this question?

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Considering the fact that I was expecting a more stripped down version like GTA:IV's multiplayer, GTA:O has exceeded my expectations.

Edited by I3AZZAI2
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Some people have/had hyped up the Online component to ridiculous proportions that no matter what Rockstar do, it'll never live up to.

Precisely this,^,

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I believe it will, just not yet. It will when the time is right. One day...

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Think of GTA Online as it is now as the Beta. When we get to GTA Online 2.0 It might, then they'll release heists

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Think of GTA Online as it is now as the Beta. When we get to GTA Online 2.0 It might, then they'll release heists


It is a beta because you glitching douchebags won't stop glitching

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Think of GTA Online as it is now as the Beta. When we get to GTA Online 2.0 It might, then they'll release heists


It is a beta because you glitching douchebags won't stop glitching


Can't tell if that was aimed at me or the general community...?

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Think of GTA Online as it is now as the Beta. When we get to GTA Online 2.0 It might, then they'll release heists


It is a beta because you glitching douchebags won't stop glitching


Can't tell if that was aimed at me or the general community...?




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Unless they're able to add more missions, activities (like Triathlon or other sports) locations and much more, I don't see it being lived up to the hype.


For now I'm just gonna have to stick with no as the game is completely overrated, both single player and Online, my opinion of course so I hope it didn't hurt anyone here.

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Unless they're able to add more missions, activities (like Triathlon or other sports) locations and much more, I don't see it being lived up to the hype.


For now I'm just gonna have to stick with no as the game is completely overrated, both single player and Online, my opinion of course so I hope it didn't hurt anyone here.


"as the game is completely overrated, both single player and Online"


Nah, that would be COD/Minecraft

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Unless they're able to add more missions, activities (like Triathlon or other sports) locations and much more, I don't see it being lived up to the hype.


For now I'm just gonna have to stick with no as the game is completely overrated, both single player and Online, my opinion of course so I hope it didn't hurt anyone here.


"as the game is completely overrated, both single player and Online"


Nah, that would be Minecraft


That too :santa:

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Some people have/had hyped up the Online component to ridiculous proportions that no matter what Rockstar do, it'll never live up to.


Pretty much what I was going to say.


The game has so far delivered everything I have expected. Sure there have been some issues but that is to be expected and, whilst frustrating at times, are quite understandable.


However, some players over-hype the tiniest of things, go for sensationalist claptrap and make up stuff and pass it of as R* confirmed fact. So in this respect, the game will never live up to expectations of some players.

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The game is as it was advertised. A multiplayer, personalized GTA experience. Anyone who has to mention the word "hype" with this game has already overhyped it because, truth be told, R* has since day one only given exactly what they said they were going to give, and what they haven't (heists), they never gave a specific time of when they were going to give, so again it's as another poster said, people overhyping the game to ridiculous proportions, then sulking in their own self-imposed disappointment when they don't get what they want.


I voted yes, not because it's "lived up", but because it's done what it said it was going to do. Anyone who's disappointed has only their own lofty expectations to blame.

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I actually enjoy Minecraft....

I've been playing GTA V since launch. Full 2 weeks of Singleplayer, got 100% in that time, then GTA:O until now. I've played GTA:O most nights since so I'm pretty much addicted. My GTA:O character goes out more than I do. Does it live to the hype? For most people; no. For me? I'm a hardcore fan. Loved GTA 3 as a kid. Played them all. Even went back to the first ones. Except Chinatown Wars & Liberty City Stories. I don't consider these real GTA's. So yes, it does live up to my hype. I hyped this game for years, actually. People were talking about the next GTA in 2010-ish, that area, when RDR came out. Some said Vice City, some said London, some said new places, some said San Andreas.

Would I change anything in this game? Yeah, maybe the player interactions as everyone just kills one another in freeroam (ever heard of deathmatch?), would add lobby options like no cops, time/weather, location, typical GTA IV settings, you know? Would turn down the cops a bit as they're a bit mad, make stealth actually useful and work...stuff like that. But this game is like my retarded, ugly child; I love it no matter what.

I see games as all good. You only need to find it a gamer that likes it.

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Killing Babelyy

They should leave all lobbies the same at default. You make an easy lobby with no cops etc everyone's going to play that because it's easier. Just like no one plays free aim lobbies. I like the game as it is offline but with multiplayer added on.


The game needs more missions less death matches and less parachute etc.


I hate when we refresh after a mission and end up all free roam because every choice after was races and DMs.

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Unless they're able to add more missions, activities


^^ This x 100.

I became bored of missions/activities due to restricted availability and poor diversity, but ofc have to grind missions for XP and $.

Not too fond of racing particularly. Most of the activities suck too.

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Not because they will not be able to deliver on everything they had promised in a timely fashion for all GTA fans to enjoy before trading in the game or just letting it gather dust, but because us as gamers OVERhyped it and set our expectations waaaaay too high.

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It will eventually, I just hope there are enough players left to enjoy it with

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Theres way more to do than single player. And so far, the game hasn't failed me on the gameplay side. More tweaks to the creator like higher prop count, a mission creator etc. maybe building blocks like in halo with walls windows etc.


Scrap that, a halo style forge world where friends can make their own houses and save their world like in halo's forge world would be absolute heaven.

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