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Los santos vs Los Angeles


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Visiting America for my first time in a few days and I was wondering if people who live in LA knew places in the game which are similarly set out to how they are in real life. I don't mean something obvious like the vinewood sign, I just think it would be cool to visit places that are similar to the game, thanks.

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many of the places in the game are in real life dangerous neighborhoods, no respawn.

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I haven't been to LA, but I was watching the music video for

the other day and saw this.



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i've lived in LA most of my life. the whole rockford hills area in the game is nearly identical in look and layout to the real beverly hills, if you're into that sort of thing. when i first bought the game, i had big time deja vu driving around.


downtown LA in real life is located further east than it is in the game, more in the east los santos area. the downtown area in the game is actually Century City in real life, which is a mini financial hub in west LA with a few skyscrapers. the most famous building there is Fox Plaza (weazel plaza in the game), which is where the original Die Hard was shot (called nakatomi plaza in the movie). weazel plaza looks nearly identical to fox plaza, so you might find that interesting to check out.


the getty center museum and griffith observatory are well represented in the game as well and are worth checking out for the great view of the city.


one warning though. the Los Santos PD are not quite as aggressive as the LAPD, so be wary. :miranda:



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It has to be such a great experience to play a game in a city, where you live in real life.

You would recognize so much things and look at every detail...

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you can dig out the "mapping los santos" thread, you will find all the references to LA. you'll be amazed. have a nice trip. i'll visit LA one day too.

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Santa Monica and Del Perro Pier are almost exactly alike. In fact a restaurant where we've eaten on the Pier was easily identifiable by my wife and she doesn't play GTA.

Edited by Xeloj
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I live in San Bernardino County, the next county over, so everything in the game is familiar and nearly identical to their counterparts. Everything is close, except obviously there is traffic up the ass IRL.


I even live a block away from Route 66 down the street, so in the game, that's where my avatar grew up. On Route 68.


I just wish there was more desert, another developed city in the desert, and the "15" freeway that leads to Las Venturas in a future DLC.

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i've lived in LA most of my life. the whole rockford hills area in the game is nearly identical in look and layout to the real beverly hills, if you're into that sort of thing. when i first bought the game, i had big time deja vu driving around.


downtown LA in real life is located further east than it is in the game, more in the east los santos area. the downtown area in the game is actually Century City in real life, which is a mini financial hub in west LA with a few skyscrapers. the most famous building there is Fox Plaza (weazel plaza in the game), which is where the original Die Hard was shot (called nakatomi plaza in the movie). weazel plaza looks nearly identical to fox plaza, so you might find that interesting to check out.


the getty center museum and griffith observatory are well represented in the game as well and are worth checking out for the great view of the city.


one warning though. the Los Santos PD are not quite as aggressive as the LAPD, so be wary. :miranda:





LAPD aggressive? whodathunkit?




one of my favorite GTA V places that's almost identical IRL is the Griffith Park Tunnel as seen in many TV shows, movies, and music videos. It was most notably the "River Road tunnel" featured at the end of Back To The Future 2.

Edited by blk95ta
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Yea just dont go messing around too much and get wasted theres no respawning from that.

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