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Wanting to start a Gta roleplay clan that does roleplay from crime life to law enforcement.

Mafia Roleplay

Blood and Crips Roleplay

Law enforcement Roleplay


We could do invite only session and also team deathmatch depending on the storyline and roleplay being played out if interested message me or add me on Psn:youngzach with a message saying roleplay and what kind of roleplay you want to do the votes of roleplay are as shown above

Mafia Roleplay

Bloods and Crips Roleplay

Law Enforcement Roleplay

with the most vote in one of these categories will be the chosen Roleplay for the weekend and also i will give out storyline and roles avalible if i get enough people anyone can join some will be appointed for training for certain roles and on how to play the seriously and have fun at the same time if anyone interested lmessage me on Psn


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