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Any other Bad Sports out there?

Dr Phat Packs

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Dr Phat Packs

Hi, Greedstar games here. We're going to sell you this game and then tell you when, how and with whom you can play it. After you've paid for it.


Got the bad sport rating again today (For self defense, same as the first four times.)


Just want to know if there's anyone else out there that has the rating and wants to play. I think if we get enough people in one session we might be able to fill up a lobby. I enjoy races and am willing to try and any custom content anyone has made.


Gamertag: Prof Phat Packs.

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I think bad sport is stupid, in some ways I agree because you get them nobs that just blow you up in car when your not doing anything, however it's f*cking GTA! I guarantee most kills online are from explosions in cars or like rpg a car while someone's takin cover or in it! Every game I play people just sticky bomb and rpg cars, no one really has skill, I'll admit I do it sometimes but like everyone does it and it's annoying, the stupid thing is paying for people's car, like I killed a guy by blowing up his car to get a quick bounty and I had to pay most of the bounty on his car, I know it's annoying paying it yourself but like I killed this guy why the f*ck would I pay for his car, and like seeing as most people use rpg and sticky bombs sometimes you have to.

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bad sports is a great idea tbh. It stops idiots messing up the games. Serves u right for being a bad loser or whatever u did.

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