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How to play a song on a mission?


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Hi guys, sorry for bothering. But I want to make a mission and include a soundtrack in the back, like a song playing during all the cutscenes or mission. But I don't know how to do it.

I know how to import sounds after objectives in DYOM, but I cannot do it with a lot of objectives and the same sound playing.

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DragonWarrior (DnW)

If you want a sound to play till the end of the mission, name the sound as "am.mp3" it will play the sound till the end of the mission. And if you want the sound to pause in some objectives create a file named "*no.of the obj*.noam".


I can't believe that u didnt knew this!?

Edited by DragonWarrior (DnW)
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If you want a sound to play till the end of the mission, name the sound as "am.mp3" it will play the sound till the end of the mission. And if you want the sound to pause in some objectives create a file named "*no.of the obj*.noam".


I can't believe that u didnt knew this!?


Thank you man, haha, yup I didn't know how to do it, I've never seen a import sound tutorial xD I just knew how to import sounds after an objective :p

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Huzaifa khan

Thanks Dragon Warrior I also don't know about to play a whole mission song thanks for that :)

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DragonWarrior (DnW)

O_o Anyone else dont knw this? O_o

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