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OFFICIAL TANK POLL - This is what you've waited for!

Tanks In GTA Online  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Tanks...

    • Tanks should be REMOVED FROM GAME
    • They are a decent addition to Online when not abused
    • I only use my tank for missions
    • I only use my tank to kill cops
    • I only use my tank to help n00bs
    • I only use my tank to grief everybody in site HAHA

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I was driving in my tank killing cops. Some guy comes after me. I blow his car up and drive away. He follows me. I blow him up once more and when he respawns, I park next to him, blow my horn and drive away. He then tries to Grenade launch me so I blow him up.


f*ck YOU comes that hate mail. I replied that he kept shooting at me. In a tank.


I then thought of this place.

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I only use my Rhino when someone else is abusing other players in their tank. Once I kill them, I abuse only them until they leave or something lol.


If someone is abusing me with a tank, I call lester to go off radar just before they kill me so I can get away once I respawn and pull a surprise attack on them in my own tank ;)


I was driving in my tank killing cops. Some guy comes after me. I blow his car up and drive away. He follows me. I blow him up once more and when he respawns, I park next to him, blow my horn and drive away. He then tries to Grenade launch me so I blow him up.


f*ck YOU comes that hate mail. I replied that he kept shooting at me. In a tank.

Happens all the time to me. That and people pulling their car to the side and trying to jack my tank, like I'm just gonna stand there and let them.


People think tanker not shotting up the place = stupid, and then when they push their luck and get burnt, get butthurt. You wouldn't put yer hand in a bee's nest, would ya?

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the poll started out great - but then it fell apart 3 options in. either make a poll about what people think about tanks being the game or make a poll about what people do in their tanks. mix it up and it means nothing.

Because of the recent modifications lately I've only been using the tank to destroy user's PVs... relentlessly. I hope I can piss off enough people that rockstar will change the stupid protections the tank has.... no bad sport or paying insurance on for destroying PVs totally ridiculous.


(sorry about your car..it's nothing personal.)

Edited by RAS_ZeroZ

the poll started out great - but then it fell apart 3 options in. either make a poll about what people think about tanks being the game or make a poll about what people do in their tanks. mix it up and it means nothing.

Nobody is ever happy.

Everyone already said what was there to be said.



I'm just going to add the fact that you misspelled ''everybody in sight''. It's sight not site. And the HaHa is immature. As is the un-needed caps in other options. Also descent*.

Edited by Zorvaine


the poll started out great - but then it fell apart 3 options in. either make a poll about what people think about tanks being the game or make a poll about what people do in their tanks. mix it up and it means nothing.

Nobody is ever happy.


but you were so close!


btw, ever thought about the phrase "nobody is ever happy"? it's a gem. is it what you meant to say? does it mean anything at all? or is it actually complete nonsense?

tanks are fine.. and take sniping is fake as hell im glad they took it out... no i dnt have a tank and it is funny and exciting when they try to blow me up.. i have died b4 but its no biggie its only a game

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It's MORE fun to be the guy in a tank who approaches and DOESN'T fire.

Because you know you're an anomaly and that the other players are scratching their heads.

Funny, I've played the game a lot longer than I've read this forum, but I have seen one chill tank driver in all my time in lobbies, and yet someone claims to be chill in almost every thread regarding twankers.


edit: Gotta love the guy driving a tank around l.a. complaining about the realism of a 50 cal piercing the armor.

Edited by HopalongCasidy

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