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ps3 - freezing in certain locations only, online/offline


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anyone have this kind of problem, it freezes up in the mount gordo area, east vinewood area, and in the ls river area, so far thats the only spots i found, everything else works fine, no random freezes/crashes, i am using google's dns, open ports on my router, this is my 2nd disc also, same problem, did a full reformat and everything else rockstar has said to try, i am just wondering if its my ps3 or if its rockstars servers, also on a side note, every other game i play works just fine, last of us, batman origins.

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Mine froze 3 times in 20 minutes last night. I can't tell if certain areas set it off because I was never near the same area when it froze but yeah I'm having the same issue, on ps3. Apparently it's effecting a lot of people.

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i don't need answers like me too this sucks. we all know this sucks, if you can't say something worth while than don't say anything at all

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I know when my spwan location was set to house my ps3 often left me stuck up in the clouds, however after I changed spawn location to last place for a day then back to my house it hasnt done it since, u could try it but in reverse in your case, if your still having problems you could send a ticket to rock* :)

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i don't need answers like me too this sucks. we all know this sucks, if you can't say something worth while than don't say anything at all

me too, this sucks.

chill the f*ck out man. theres plenty of room for anyone to post what they want. and i highly doubt anyone here is techinical enough to tell you how to "fix" it

theres also plenty of topics about this, in fact, i started one a few days ago.

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maze bank survival freezes alot, never froze in any other survival before. Debating quiting game until the next patch.

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