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How do you unlock metal paint?


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I have tried thousands of times i choose a race put it to rally invite one of my friends and two of us play he drives i tell him on the mic where to go and we switch, but i did that race countless of times it doesn't unlock for me any tips how to unlock them? Do you need to have more friends in the session?

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You need to have at least 4 people to do it.

Thank you very much man. How do i command my driver on mic do i tell him to turn left right or i can do it with buttons. I tried with buttons and i can only choose left and right directional keys.

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If you only want to do it once for unlocking the paints choose an easy track, like Criminal Records, theres no way for the driver to get lost. If not you can choose left or right and it will show the driver where he should go.

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Much easier to do if you do it on criminal records... you don't need a mic then..


Should post here though.. Op...



Thanks didn't know man i thought i will get answer quicker as i am in the game right now. I tried criminal records with two people, but it seems i need at least four.

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Special Agent 25


Much easier to do if you do it on criminal records... you don't need a mic then..


Should post here though.. Op...



Thanks didn't know man i thought i will get answer quicker as i am in the game right now. I tried criminal records with two people, but it seems i need at least four.



Yeah you still need 4 players though..

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DJ Kornphlake

Not to be a dick, but I don't understand why you thought a race with only one car would count as a win to unlock the paints.

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