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WTF Moment

H x R G

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This happened to me the other day, I had a bounty on me and decided to do the Fleeca Bank wall breach and when I

spawned inside the car that I had drove to get there also appeared in there with me. Anybody else had this happen?



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you had a bounty

and you tried to glitch to hide

and your glitch glitched

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you had a bounty

and you tried to glitch to hide

and your glitch glitched

$10,000 Bounty, I hid and I kept it and the amount of carnage that happened outside those doors was funny one by one people kept trying to walk through the doors then another player that wanted the bounty would killed them. The doors in the end were literally painted red

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These are the type of people that give me diabeetees.

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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

I'd do it once, just for laughs, seeing half a server have a deathmatch trying to reach me would be awesome.

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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

I steal cars just to get bounties, the chase and fight is fun.

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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

Exactly. QFT!


I would have had everyone kick you from the session lol. SMH..... some people.....

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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

It was the first time I'd actually hid from a bounty I normally get in my Sultan or Cheetah and get chased and throw sticky bombs at them.

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why be a little bitch .. peeps like you deserve to get spawn killed 20 times

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why be a little bitch .. peeps like you deserve to get spawn killed 20 times

Like I said I prefer a chase but that one time I couldn't be arsed.

Tell me more about this wall breach.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXSKNFOp19MOk, thanks. I always love exploring new interiors!
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I have had a few bounties wall glitch to avoid the inevitable slugs of death. simple way is send mugger and or mercs. they seem to flush the wa#$kers out.

then spawn kill till they leave. ha ha glitch *itches now got stitches

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you had a bounty

and you tried to glitch to hide

and your glitch glitched

$10,000 Bounty, I hid and I kept it and the amount of carnage that happened outside those doors was funny one by one people kept trying to walk through the doors then another player that wanted the bounty would killed them. The doors in the end were literally painted red



That actually sounds really funny.


I love finding new interiors to get into. Doing it with a bounty would make it way more exciting.


IAA building would be nice, but since you're so high up you can't see the fighting down below. However, if there are people in the session who know about the IAA interior, you can watch them try and get in after you and laugh as they parachute into the side of the building and fall to their death.

Edited by Muirenn
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48 mins wasted... hiding...for 9k...why do people do it? I'd place bounties on myself if I could just for the chase.

ding ding ding


glitch bitches suck

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