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Glitched parts of the map.

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Even if Rockstar's artists did an amazing job creating San Andreas, there is some glitched places (missing textures, 3D models being slightly fùcked up, ...). So, have you found any of them ?

I'll start with a couple of photos taken near the ocean:





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There are quite a few areas where some parts of the parking lot or road texture is above the actual road. Like the road's texture itself will be fine, but the white lines will be floating above, or another part of the texture. That parking lot next to Michael's garage has this problem. I saw a floating texture on a concrete support under that big bridge as well, over near the airport.


There's another bridge with a weird glitch underneath it, you can see a slit that shows the cars above you, but if you go onto that spot on the bridge there is no slit, it's only visible from the bottom.


That hospital and police station in Sandy Shores, where you come out of if you die -- The handrails in the front "lift up" when you get a little bit of distance and look back. They stick to the top of the overhang. You can see them pop back down if you step back toward the hospital. They don't actually move, they just flip from one position to the other. That's a really weird one. I think the low-res model that loads when you get far away got messed up in the design.

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Cutter De Blanc

Michael's skylight only exists on the inside of his house.


There's a spot on the east side of Mt. Gordo where the ocean just suddenly starts several feet above the beach.


In one of the parking lots your car will reflect the sky instead of the ceiling.


Those are the only ones I remember offhand.

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